Example sentences of "[pron] enough [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It will tell them enough to alert them if they 're working for the British Government . ’
2 Seals have almost spherical lenses and can not flatten them enough to see far through the air .
3 If we like them enough to invest , we will either cut our spending ( bad for the high street and the recovery ) or switch savings from other institutions ( notably the building societies ) putting pressure on them to match those terms .
4 But there 's a moral argument that at some point you 're not paying them enough to live on .
5 Though if you give them enough notice they can do almost anything …
6 • After several days on this schedule they will be going to bed and getting up at their chosen time , one that gives them enough sleep during the weekdays .
7 ( The first block has given them enough experience to pinpoint their anxieties more accurately , but not enough to overcome them . )
8 This is where we need to listen to what they 're asking and what they need , and give them enough to satisfy them .
9 However , I have used them enough to observe that the properly selected remedy works deeply , quickly , smoothly , and without initial aggravation .
10 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
11 But there was nothing around that moved me enough to go out and change things .
12 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
13 They trusted me enough to allow me into their ranks , but when I saw what they were planning I knew that the only answer was to destroy them , expose them .
14 And that annoyed me enough to drive me to my cabin , to clean myself up and choose fresh clothing .
15 You said then that I 'd never cope , but the farmers liked me enough to ask me to call again . ’
16 I did enjoy our cup of tea together , and thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about your husband 's alcoholism .
17 Do you love me enough to marry me ? ’
18 Yes , eventually I did put it down to your job , worried about Steve being so long away and anxious to tie up the contract , but there was a worse fear — that you just did n't love me enough to want to stay with me . ’
19 ‘ Ca n't you trust me enough to keep it between just the two of us ? ’
20 The heads of the Valuation Department guaranteed me enough work to justify my continued employment , one of my many visits taking me to the Channel Islands during the ‘ phoney war ’ , while the enemy were occupied with Russia .
21 However , I feel sure she values her friendship with me enough to play it our way .
22 We are unable to love ourselves enough to allow for weakness .
23 And loosen your collar and tie ; their enough sweat on it to wash it . ’
24 They 're in plenty enough trouble as it is over this deal . ’
25 The dragonrider forgot himself enough to nod , and came within a quarter-inch of cutting his own throat .
26 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
27 Only on his way home at lunchtime did he at last rouse himself enough to make a detour , and stop by at his brother 's apartment and invite Franco to come home with him for lunch .
28 This is Death 's Head Hole , the name itself enough to cause a shudder .
29 The suggestion that pre-exposure to a stimulus establishes an exact representation of it , for instance , is not in itself enough to explain latent inhibition ; indeed it seems capable of predicting quite the wrong result .
30 This more dynamic model of natural relationships would become an integral part of Darwin 's thinking , but it was not by itself enough to convert him to evolutionism .
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