Example sentences of "[pron] first meeting " in BNC.

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1 It starts , I suppose , with my first meeting Steve and ends some months later with another chance encounter .
2 And my first meeting is at eight thirty . ’
3 And so ended my first meeting with young Higgins .
4 I had arrived for my first meeting with the North Downs Steam Railway which is managed by a friendly group of enthusiasts who are not prepared to be put off by a drop of rain , even if it was one of the heaviest storms of the summer .
5 My first meeting with the senior management did not go well .
6 The telephone calls can wait and my first meeting is not until lunchtime . ’
7 Roughs , based on my general knowledge of the subject , were presented at my first meeting with the ‘ team ’ and accepted in principle .
8 Returning to my first meeting with Vincent , Arthur Cheyney naturally became my hero , especially when he took me on a trip from Ipswich to Parkeston Quay , which completely sold me on the job and made me resolve to move heaven and earth to get on a cutter crew as soon as possible .
9 ‘ I remember going to my first meeting , ’ he recalls .
10 My first meeting with was e a I doubt whether he actually remembers er but it was actually on an Inter City , I do n't know whether he does remember , on an Inter City back from London erm three or four years ago when h he also tried to get me to join the Labour Party if I remember rightly .
11 At their first meetings in Bristol during the autumn of 1795 each had at once recognized in the other a man of extraordinary abilities .
12 The scenes between Hilarion , Giselle , Albrecht and Bathilde are reminiscent of the scenes that develop Tybalt 's hatred of Romeo from the first fight between Montague and Capulet to his discovery of Romeo with Juliet after their first meeting at the ball , and finally to the fight that ends in Tybalt 's death .
13 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
14 There are the end-of-tether diaries published as My Sister and Myself by his literary executor , Francis King , and any number of references in the voluminous literature that has grown up around the figure of E M Forster , whose acolyte Ackerley became between their first meeting in 1922 and his death , aged 71 , in 1967 .
15 Diana had been in love with Prince Charles for several years , since their first meeting when she was a sixteen-year-old home from school for half-term and he was her elder sister 's boyfriend .
16 The Prince and Stephen O'Brien hit it off well from their first meeting .
17 Macmillan established a personal relationship almost at once with Kennedy at their first meeting at Key West in March 1961 ; and Watkinson renewed the agreement on ‘ interdependence ’ during his visit to the States in May , during which prospects of future Anglo-American collaborative projects were optimistically discussed .
18 After this the ‘ Pugwash Conference ’ of scientists from East and West — so named after the site of their first meeting in Nova Scotia — was held annually .
19 Appropriately enough , he experienced ‘ a lightning chemical reaction ’ on their first meeting .
20 With poetic licence he described their first meeting :
21 Tom Poole , who had nursed his father devotedly at the end , was in low spirits , but was as instantly captivated by his visitor as he had been at their first meeting .
22 It might even be something that Creed already understood , that he 'd divined on their first meeting in the Mortlake office .
23 Richard 's fingers played with the card as he recalled their first meeting , 13 years ago , at Adam 's party .
24 The Guild did not function during the war but their first meeting after hostilities ended , was held on October 4 , 1944 ( ? ? ) — the actual day I was married !
25 She had disliked Colin since their first meeting ; the relationship , at a glance , had been fixed in the stereotyped antagonism between newly acquired fiancée and slightly disreputable old schoolmate and drinking partner .
26 And it was a little strange that this was their first meeting ; her red Golf was a frequent sight on the headland , her cottage had frequently met Iris eyes from the top storey of the mill .
27 And he could put from him the treacherous suspicion that their first meeting had been contrived , part of a plan devised by her and Pascoe to exploit his influence with Hilary .
28 They both relied solely on speechreading ; it was their first meeting .
29 How the girl had changed since their first meeting on the ship !
30 Also in that year he formed the Stamford Brazenose Society and at their first meeting they discussed astronomy and the latitude of Stamford , lunar maps , a remarkable wasps ' nest and a ‘ stone as big as a walnut , taken from out of the bladder of a little Dutch dog ’ .
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