Example sentences of "[pron] she feels " in BNC.

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1 Petunias are raised in the greenhouse , but not the striped or edged sorts which she feels are just a little too bright for her garden .
2 She should also write down anything about which she feels particularly proud , such as doing well with some new exercise .
3 Her obsession has taken the form of compulsive exercising : huge amounts of daily exercise , without which she feels panic-stricken and lost .
4 Relatively unimportant as these smaller losses may seem compared with the main one , together they may add up to a total picture of her life which she feels has been shattered overnight by a single blow .
5 Make sure that you measure a skirt belonging to the recipient , in which she feels happy .
6 On both these occasions , Mrs Whitehouse suggested that the declining moral standards which she feels characterise the output of both broadcasting companies are not unconnected with the violent scenes witnessed in Brixton , Toxteth and Brussels .
7 The housewife refers to them as external obligations to which she feels a deep need to conform .
8 With noble , fine-boned features that have brought comparisons with Audrey Hepburn , she could have gone to Hollywood but has chosen British projects which she feels mean something — though she has routinely worked for the mere promise of a salary at some future point when the films make money .
9 An insight into Mrs Thatcher 's character is conveyed by the kind of people with whom she feels comfortable .
10 Judith is astonished , as she has had a difficult relationship with her mother , whom she feels has little maternal feeling .
11 She 's in no doubt who she feels is to blame .
12 This is something she feels strongly about and she tends to become even more animated than usual when trying to articulate her philosophy .
13 Phrases such as ‘ TINA ’ ( ‘ there is no alternative ’ ) in answer to critics of her economic policy , and ‘ We want our money ’ ( ‘ I can not play Sister Bountiful to the Community ’ ) to her EEC partners over the perennial problem of Britain 's budget payments , sum up the spirit of what she feels and argues .
14 Most of Emecheta 's life has been a fight to get what she feels is her due .
15 There is no doubt of her mental motivation or desire to simply play and exercise , to express what she feels in her mind is the most natural of things to do .
16 His ignorance of what she feels about his ‘ human kindness ’ — she rejects any ‘ compunctious visiting of nature ’ ( 44 ) — makes him a victim , or accomplice , who has to be instructed in hypocrisy : One of Shakespeare 's problems in having to develop an evil conspiracy in the absence of any vocal moral commentary on it is to make it judge or condemn itself .
17 Other difficulties occur when the woman does n't have what she feels like eating and the child suffers .
18 She wo n't let me intrude on what she feels .
19 In a 1922 article in the New York Sun , O'Keeffe had been described as ‘ intellectual and introspective , ’ but her work had been described quite differently : ‘ Certainly the most unusual , and perhaps the most characteristic of Miss O'Keeffe 's paintings are those which express simply what she feels — a mood perhaps , or a spiritual experience .
20 She is a much more down-to-earth person than Madeline Vesey Neroni , and supports her husband through thick and thin , always doing what she feels is in his best interest .
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