Example sentences of "[pron] would expect " in BNC.

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1 If any House of the Dead notebooks had survived I would expect them to contain sudden leaps of discovery and creative arrivals like ‘ Most important — it 's a chronicle 'and
2 Mr Clarke : ‘ I would expect that most would stop and offer assistance . ’
3 All the same , I would expect and ( I anticipate ) receive agreement from the Chancellor to two propositions : first , I would wish the ‘ real ’ budget to be maintained , though I would not argue for any test of ‘ reality ’ other than the rough and ready conventional scale used for measuring inflation ; and secondly , I would seek to agree a modest and gradual increase in that ‘ real ’ budget .
4 I asked why should I bother to do that when presumably if I had set the trap I would expect Harry 's car still to be there after the races , and he just wrote down my answer as if I 'd made a confession . ’
5 If I behaved in a similar fashion I would expect to lose my ‘ ticket ’ and be imprisoned for a considerable time .
6 This '90 has the earthy flavour I would expect from Bergerac , but is soft and ripe , almost creamy in texture , so it really works .
7 I would expect someone who claimed to believe in ghosts to give some evidence for their existence , and it is reasonable to expect the theist to give evidence for God 's existence .
8 For example whatever the nature of the case be it acute or chronic I would expect to see some signs of improvement indicating a curative response within a very short while .
9 That level of contact must certainly be maintained in future under the Commission , and I would expect the national coaches to be co-opted on to the Commission itself as non-voting members . ’
10 If they are not , I would expect it to damage the host , in one way or another .
11 ‘ Five years , ’ ( Kenneth 's back in deep-freeze ) , ‘ but I would expect you to do better . ’
12 But Dennis Oliver , the man leading the MCC rebels in their bid to get the vote of no confidence at next month 's meeting of all 17,500 MCC members was equally defiant , saying : ‘ We are going ahead full steam with our campaign , and if we win the vote I would expect Dexter and the selectors to resign . ’
13 In fact , during my first few months , I have not been able to identify any major differences between the procedures that the Institute has set up in response to the Companies Act and those that I would expect from an ‘ external ’ regulator .
14 I would expect that because at this stage they do not understand all the pros and cons .
15 I would expect further cuts over the next couple of months .
16 I shall stay until the next General Election when I would expect they will select a new candidate at South Derbyshire . ’
17 I 'd have thought an organisation like Amnesty would be in the forefront of anti-sexism , but I 've come across sexism before where I would expect an enlightened attitude ( eg Greenpeace )
18 I would expect the causes to be physical and psychological ; overwork , the ennui of middle age , or a need to find some meaning to existence .
19 For instance , I admit freely that I would expect my desktop publisher to be able to flow and reflow copy from one column to another automatically ; that seems a basic requirement for general-purpose DTP and PagePlus ca n't do it .
20 I would expect that the day he was diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia he was not advised to have a large meal followed by a cigar and a large amount of alcohol .
21 I would expect to get the broad picture and highlights and examples of .
22 And all of you , I would expect , have received the toxoid vaccine against diphtheria .
23 And I would expect that to be so .
24 I would expect to be consulted as I was .
25 As a younger person I , I would expect that I 've probably got another fifteen years to go to the menopause , but I 'm looking forward to it as a relief from pre-menstrual syndrome !
26 She felt a frisson of gratitude at his thoughtfulness ; then , reminded absurdly of Ethel ( who had not so much wanted to be a bridesmaid , as to be asked ) : It is not that I look forward to it , she thought , if Frank was anything to go by , but at least I would expect to be , tonight , a little irresistible …
27 In all the seminar based work mentioned above , I would expect the students to play a rather more organising role than previously .
28 I found cranking the boat over on its side did not help to turn it ( in the opposite direction ) as much as I would expect in a sea kayak .
29 The reserve powers are extremely important , and if grossly inadequate provision were made for pensions I would expect my right Hon. and learned Friend to use them .
30 I would expect you to say that .
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