Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] ways " in BNC.

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1 And they 've all taken words from different languages and they all spell them different ways .
2 A cartwheel is one of my favourite ways to grow herbs .
3 It is used as base for many cocktails , but one of my favourite ways of serving the stuff is with a little help from the hedgerows .
4 The American Mary Vorse published her remarkable Autobiography of an Elderly Woman in 1911 , which reflects at length on the reversal of roles that left her ‘ contriving to get my own way , for all the world like a naughty , elderly child , while my daughter was worrying about my headstrong ways as if she was my mother instead of my being hers . ’
5 " I can amuse you all with my purring and my playful ways . "
6 You will be disgusted by my simple ways . ’
7 ‘ Let me not tire of thanking you , ’ he wrote , ‘ for your mercy in rescuing me from all my wicked ways . ’
8 My own ways are not polished .
9 I started siding stuff then , an' sweeping an' doing ; and I expected he 'd begin a calling me for my idle ways .
10 ‘ Well , ’ Ellen said , ‘ I am very fond of my husband , in spite of my western ways , and I know he has a great respect for you , Nerina ; and is thrilled about your publishing contract , and any betrayal of confidence has been totally inadvertent .
11 A disobedient Norfolk farm boy was propelled into a lifetime of professional poaching by the combination of a harsh , flogging father , who for years ‘ never spoke to me nor owned me ’ , and an entertaining , caring grandfather who had poached himself : ‘ I 'm not shure I did not inherit some of my sporting ways from him . ’
12 We 've got them Milky Ways to take back yet .
13 I wished I 'd known he were going , he could have swapped them Milky Ways for me !
14 Phena , despite her odd ways , does not deserve to be hurt further , does not deserve to have it all dragged up and dissected . ’
15 And this lamb needs ewe … the adoption agency that 's proud of its woolly ways .
16 Although prejudice lessened as time went on , there would always be those who resented these foreigners and their strange ways , and who would be ready to point a finger .
17 There is a universal sense of happiness and gentleness among the Balinese people , and their polite ways and deference are natural and unaffected .
18 At the end of treatment the therapist thought that Liz would probably experience further problems in the future and so discussed with her possible ways of dealing with new difficulties .
19 The other girls disliked her for her outstanding looks and her haughty ways and made no attempt to be friendly on anything but the most superficial level and the pattern cutters and sewing hands hurried home to their families and boyfriends the moment they finished their long day 's work .
20 By the time they make up their mind , the Chinese will probably be back to their old ways . ’
21 In an editorial on 2 November 1985 , headlined ‘ Unfinished Business ’ , it asked ‘ whether the structures and institutions of British life have been so shaken by six years of Mrs Thatcher that they can no longer fall back into their old ways — or whether more shaking is needed ? ’
22 But the general inability of the film industry to support and encourage creative adventure was the responsibility of the two major companies , which were now in the hands of former accountants who had not cast off their old ways of thinking , John Davis at Rank and Robert Clark at ABPC .
23 The period of time just after you have attained all your goals is something of a danger period ; this is when many dieters lapse back into their old ways .
24 Remnants of their old ways still abound .
25 These Savage Orcs were happy to continue in their old ways , using metal weapons and armour on occasions when they could steal or trade it , but on the whole sticking to their ancient traditions .
26 And , worst of all , monetary policy has been controlled by a central banker who does not believe in shock therapy , and who has inflated the money supply to allow companies to continue in their old ways .
27 Once amongst the world 's greatest blue-water navigators , guided by wave patterns and the clues in seaweed and bird droppings , the Bugis had now lost so much confidence in their old ways that they had been reduced to coast-hugging , on the principle that if their ships sank they at least had a chance of making it ashore alive .
28 Others have slipped back to their old ways .
29 Both Kenneth and Henry , on the stage or battlefield and off it , talk their different ways to triumph .
30 He and Sessions , in their different ways , have found entertaining , imaginative substitutes , but , elsewhere , you 're all too aware of what 's missing .
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