Example sentences of "[art] steps [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I climbed the steps up onto the lock and knocked on the door of the lock-keeper 's house , and through great good fortune found him at home .
2 On the steps up to the plane a group of irate Peruvians waved tickets as the embattled stewardess tried to explain that there were no seats .
3 Indeed , they said the small congregation was in favour of demolition as many members were old and infirm and could not climb the steps up to the church .
4 There were cracks in the walls and the steps up to the entrance had been reduced to an uneven and rocky slope .
5 I gave it a couple of minutes , then made for the broch and the steps up to the landing where the girls had gone yesterday .
6 Three old mill stones serve as the steps up to the door of the mill , an aesthetically appealing alternative use for them now that they are no longer required for the purpose for which they were designed .
7 The building had two front doors , side by side , one for each house , and the steps up to each door were not divided ; an urn full of some kind of greenery stood in the middle of the steps , but there was no attempt at distinction .
8 But it was I who got away to the steps up to the morning room , Francis 's sorry steps .
9 Then he ducked under the lintel and climbed the steps up into the kitchen , Beth following .
10 Then today , when I was by the nail ( he always sits on the steps up ) , I said ( I did it on purpose ) run and get me a cigarette .
11 Again , the dual imagery of the victorious general and the holy saviour appeared : virtually everyone wore full military or party uniform , and the steps up to the basilica of Saint Barbara were lined with people carrying the palms they had bought for Palm Sunday , six weeks earlier .
12 Then he vaulted over the breakwater , ran up the steps on to the prom and was lost to view .
13 I remember walking down the steps on to the set of Aspel and Company once , seeing a wall of friendly faces — except for one belonging to a lady sitting in the front row , arms crossed and a baleful expression on her face .
14 She tucked stray wisps of hair back under her kerchief , then picked up her case and walked up the steps on to the porch .
15 Once through the hall door , massive under its fanlight and fitted with a brass lock as big as a bible , and down the steps on to the gravel , Nicandra changed back into whatever sort of purposeful animal all the long-sustained acts of kindness and thoughts for the happiness of others had left in her .
16 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
17 It was wasted — Elaine was busy watching Martin and Louise walk along the beach towards the steps back up to the hotel .
18 She turned and walked briskly away from the desk , out of the main entrance and down the steps back to the car .
19 I tried to plead and argue but was only beaten for my pains and thrown down the steps back into my cell ; the dungeon door , grating shut , was locked securely behind us .
20 Follow the steps down to the cellar which was the original first floor of the 12C house .
21 But overhead — I was standing on the steps down to the gravel — the stars were out .
22 Disgusted by his own conceit , Maxim drifted out to the steps down to the lawn — the night was still warm enough for the big windows to be open-flanked by two huge , discreetly floodlit magnolia trees .
23 Releasing her shoulders , he took a firm grip on her arm and began steering her towards the steps down to the lawn .
24 However , in practice there was enough choice of speeds and the steps in between each were fine .
25 Mary fetched the steps in , and the three Brownies were soon busy fixing up the decorations .
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