Example sentences of "[art] past year " in BNC.

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1 During the past year at least 1.5 million more men , women and children have become infected with HIV .
2 Tourism authorities responded quickly to reports of the attack by issuing assurances that policing of Dublin streets had increased significantly during the past year and that crime against tourists had dropped by a third .
3 On the other hand no one else did the work I had been doing over the past year .
4 Everything that has happened to her over the past year has been genuine , from breaking her thumb to the operation , not to mention all the hassle she has had from standing by her father .
5 ‘ The field has been open to females only during the past year but we soon expect at least 10 per cent of dog-training course applicants will be female . ’
6 In the past year Luke has developed arthritis and a thyroid problem — the vet has prescribed thyroscin for him .
7 But the price tags attached to the various deals over the past year have also shown that musicians and copyright have become big business .
8 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
9 Mr Kaufman began the debate with a resume of the ‘ encouraging and exciting ’ developments of the past year in eastern Europe and disarmament .
10 Terence Chute , the chairman , explained that over the past year the company has invested over £11m in revenue producing equipment , with existing operations being upgraded and new subsidiaries launched .
11 Taking into account that over the past year changes in Europe have proceeded vastly faster than almost everyone predicted , it is imperative that we start thinking now about what a new ‘ European security order ’ , without vast Soviet and American armies on German soil , might look like .
12 We know who 's been organising acid house parties for the past year .
13 Mr Fisher said Neill had perhaps taken too many initiatives at once in the past year .
14 Ford 's employees are also wont to point out that their mortgage payments have rocketed over the past year and negotiations will take place against a background in which interest rates seem to be moving in one direction only .
15 We asked our panel about their perceptions of the past year and the next year , about the economic trends affecting the country and the economic trends affecting their family .
16 On balance the electorate was , and remained , strongly optimistic about the future for Britain and their family , strongly optimistic about Britain 's performance in the past year , and optimistic ( but much less so ) about their own family 's circumstances over the past year .
17 On balance the electorate was , and remained , strongly optimistic about the future for Britain and their family , strongly optimistic about Britain 's performance in the past year , and optimistic ( but much less so ) about their own family 's circumstances over the past year .
18 In the past year 3i , the venture capital company , has invested £30m in the leisure industry and it expects to spend more in the future despite the recession .
19 Adeane had strongly advised against the controversial speeches of the past year , especially the one to the architectural profession .
20 Alternative medicine is also becoming increasingly popular — the latest figures show that one person in seven has seen a complementary practitioner within the past year .
21 There has been a startling 25 per cent rise in the number of single mothers within the past year : from 12 per cent of all families with dependent children in 1987 to 15 per cent in 1988 .
22 The speech was all too unexciting , having travelled the country for the past year , and not noticeably improving with age .
23 These show an accelerating rate of growth , not only in the rate of increase in VAT registered businesses , to a net average of 1,200 a week in the past year — 50 per cent up on the previous year — but also in the self-employed , who rose from just under two million to more than three million .
24 Mr Wolf is involved in negotiations with Chicago financier Jay Pritzker , whose interests include the Hyatt hotel chain and who has considered bids for other US airlines such as Eastern and NWA in the past year .
25 TEN years of Conservative government has produced a poor record on environmental issues , but Mrs Thatcher 's ‘ conversion ’ in the past year has meant she has done more than any other world leader to push the issue to the top of the political , business , and economic agenda , says a Friends of the Earth report .
26 Three key staff have resigned in the past year , and there have been frequent complaints that its establishment of 240 is too low .
27 The conservative Blaize , who died of prostate cancer and had been confined to a wheelchair for the past year , lost his parliamentary majority five months ago but had clung to office despite opposition protests .
28 It was the first time the church authorities had discussed the issue of the refugees , some 25,000 of whom have entered Hungary from the south over the past year .
29 Somalia , they say , has anyway been without effective government over the past year .
30 The past year 's thaw has made it possible for at least 35 non-governmental organisations to open up offices .
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