Example sentences of "[art] decision hold " in BNC.

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1 The decision to hold the event is another fillip for disabled sport in this country following last month 's announcement that the World Dressage Championships will be staged at Hartpury College , near Gloucester , in July 1994 .
2 Also important was the decision to hold all proceedings in the English language .
3 The decision to hold the Conference in Berlin was reached in Washington four years ago .
4 A ballot of parents has to be held before a transfer to grant-maintained status can be accomplished , the decision to hold a ballot being taken either by resolution of the governing body or at the request of a percentage of the parents .
5 It also differs in that the decision to hold a hearing with a view to making a closure order is initiated by the board itself and not as a result of a complaint to them .
6 The decision to hold the elections eight months before they were constitutionally due increased speculation that the aged President was preparing to transfer power to his son .
7 The decision to hold a referendum was taken by the city council in April , following a year-long public debate .
8 The decision to hold the referendum , part of a package of resolutions concerning the draft constitution , had been passed on May 28 by 198 votes to 29 with 37 abstentions .
9 The decision to hold the elections was approved by the National Assembly on July 16 .
10 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
11 The decision to hold Course IV in this way has come about with some reluctance and a great deal of heart-searching and concern .
12 He also criticised the decision to hold a public inquiry in privately-owned property .
13 He also criticised the decision to hold a public inquiry in privately-owned property .
14 But Dr Jaleel , who will represent Darlington , said the decision to hold the conference was made six months ago and was not about politics .
15 Indeed , there must be serious doubts about the decision to hold them this year .
16 He said the decision to hold the meeting in North Wales demonstrated the Americans ' commitment to the area .
17 The next Minutes , dated January 11th , 1909 , are unsigned and are the last available until May 1920 ; interestingly they record a decision to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to alter the Sunday Caddie rule .
18 Talk of a summit was not popular in Washington , but Soviet–American exchanges finally resulted in a decision to hold a four-power conference in Paris in May 1960 .
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