Example sentences of "[art] price for " in BNC.

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1 It was the price for my more materialist attitude , my seeking to occupy the middle ground , between absorption in life and soaring above the cares of the earth .
2 It is a film about the outsider in history , identity and assimilation and the price for it .
3 It looks as though this may be the price for privatising the water companies that everyone feared . ’
4 The weekend talks stalled on United 's inability to agree the price for Knighton 's withdrawal from the take-over .
5 There is something in the British character which predisposes us to push to the limit , and beyond , the resources of self-deception to create the illusion that we can enjoy incompatible advantages simultaneously and secure a prize without paying the price for it .
6 Analysts say that Shearson is paying the price for overmanning during the market boom which ended in 1987 .
7 But the price for this success was an entire day spent on discussing the agenda for the 10-day meeting , and a debate with much friction between Baltic delegates and the Russian majority .
8 ( A surviving bill at Lyndon gives the price for 200 yards of wainscot at £28 in 1676 . )
9 Eisenhower and Dulles prevaricated over Suez , and , in the longer term , the United States has paid the price for their misjudgments .
10 The Labour Party is paying the price for over-stating the case against the reforms .
11 Since the logic of this eluded most people , it seemed reasonable to conclude that he was belatedly paying the price for arguing with an umpire .
12 He had spent several years in the Sudan and he gave us a tip : ‘ Never take a taxi there , ’ he said , ‘ without fixing the price for the journey before you get in . ’
13 The price for abdicating democratic responsibilities and placing uncritical trust in the ‘ firm leadership ’ of seemingly well-intentioned political authority was paid dearly by Germans between 1933 and 1945 .
14 The difference between the West now and the West in the nineteenth century , is that now the largest part of the price for development is paid by the invisible people of the so-called Third World , rather than by the pauperised urban proletariat of mills , mines and factories , though there are still some of them about too .
15 ‘ I think we were all going to pay the price for that ’ , said a member of one of Perth 's oldest families .
16 Refusing even to denounce the building of West Bank settlements , though a good half of Jews in America and Israel would freeze them as part of the price for peace , Clinton easily outbid Brown .
17 He has already made clear that he will demand a commitment to electoral reform in the first Queen 's Speech of a new government as the price for Liberal Democrat support .
18 The price for Liberal co-operation , he said , would be the elected government having the ‘ courage and internal discipline ’ to drop some of its manifesto proposals and take others on board .
19 Until they see clear signs of a return to fiscal rectitude , they are likely to insist upon a high return on capital as the price for keeping their money in Britain .
20 GREAT BRITAIN women paid the price for failing to capitalise on scoring chances when they slumped to a 2-1 defeat against the United States at Old Dominian , Virginia , on Sunday .
21 It is what Mr Kinnock is prepared to do as the price for power .
22 This is because coalition partners in a fragmented system demand public spending for pet schemes as the price for their support .
23 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
24 It was Germany which had pressed hardest for more powers to be granted to the European Parliament at the expense of the national parliaments as the price for monetary union on German terms .
25 The United States required continuing evidence of PLO acceptance of Israel and repudiation of violence as the price for diplomatic contact , but it was unclear whether it was yet willing to encourage Palestinian accommodationist tendencies by granting the PLO anything more than a hearing .
26 When the price for beef was high , barley was a more important crop .
27 He looks forward to the day when home computers are so widespread that the price for software will drop by 75 per cent .
28 Traditionally the practice has been to abandon old pits when it became uneconomic to go deeper , but to return to them when the price for clay improved or when a technical innovation made extraction cheaper .
29 km , will probably cost around $3000 , five times as much as the price for data From the scanner .
30 With fuel consumption on the McLaren marginal , this was not what Berger had wanted and his tyres were paying the price for such hectic activity .
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