Example sentences of "[art] road a " in BNC.

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1 About fifty or sixty yards away on the right-band side of the road a mortar bomb burst in the hedgerow , followed a few seconds later by four German soldiers carrying automatic weapons jumping from the hedgerow and scampering along the road .
2 With the light , it feels colder and I run down the road a bit to warm myself up .
3 He remembers driving up the road a few years ago and accosting a stranger who was dabbling in a stream with what looked like a frying-pan .
4 ‘ To my friend 's , ’ said Mrs Wright , wandering over the road a bit .
5 Uncle Walter had walked down the road a bit with Philip .
6 I skate down the road a bit before I shout at cops — or anyone that was giving me some shit .
7 From this point , a single-track lane with many gates may be followed upriver to rejoin the road a mile short of Dent : a journey not recommended to anyone in a hurry .
8 Early in the afternoon , on the third day of walking without the wheelbarrow , four men appeared on the road a quarter of a mile further up the canyon .
9 At other places people have often sought to reduce casualties by carrying the toads across the road and putting them into the breeding pond , but as often as not the toads they put into the pond were moving out of it rather than in , so the toads have to run the gauntlet of the road a second time .
10 When the man eventually got home that day he told the assembled villagers of our meeting , and my warning , and said that after he had watched me go round a bend in the road a hundred yards away he started to light the cigarette I had given him .
11 That was just about the only redeeming feature of that winter because it formed a kind of bridge which made walking up to the road a lot easier .
12 A woman of about 30 lurched out of the Post Office in front of us and staggered down the road a few steps before falling — her exposed thighs and palms making a sickening ‘ slap-smack ’ sound on the pavement .
13 Across the road a plump , middle-aged woman with greying auburn hair was peering out of a window .
14 ‘ Efter we get alang here a wee bit , ye come tae a loch , then roon' the bend is a castle , then we cairry oan up the road a bit till we cam tae anither loch … ’
15 Immediately below the road a National Trust car park , placed between a distinctive tall chimney and ruined engine building of the long defunct Carn Galver mine , marks the starting point .
16 ‘ Just down the road a little way .
17 Across the road a large grey car suddenly pulled out of the Downshurst-bound traffic and stopped on the grass verge beyond the estate-car and the police busy with tape-measures and notebooks .
18 At the end of the road a boy was doing good business from the refrigerated box mounted over the front wheel of his bicycle .
19 A hundred yards down on the other side of the road a knot of men were gathered .
20 Aggressive French patrols had prevented Sharpe getting close to the road a second time , but he had ridden near enough to see the dust clouds drifting away from the boots , hooves and wheels of an army on the march .
21 In the road a gang of boys with a makeshift ticket bat stopped their game to look at her .
22 But on a hummock by the road a starling-sized bird turned round to reveal a brilliant crimson front which identified it as a long-tailed meadowlark , locally called military starling .
23 Down the road a man in his fifties — a window cleaner — lost his wife who died after a long and harrowing illness .
24 No telling us where I do n't know this one come but being a foreign driver I mean he he could have from anywhere in the country and he could have been on the road a long time .
25 The headlamp picked out a cat streaking towards a wall , and a child without shoes between the shafts of a wooden cart , straining to pull it into an alleyway , and both images were gone in an instant , drowned in darkness as the bike sped past , the road a triangle of bright water as they rode the glittering breakers of the tramlines and swerved to the kerb of the Commercial Hotel .
26 Down the road a little , a streetlamp spotlit a grubby newsstand .
27 And there where the trees were no longer trees , nor the road a road
28 Just as we scrambled out of the ditch again , one of the woodchucks dropping his black rifle and barely managing to grab the sling as it slid back into the foul water , a straggler from the malai patrol crossed the road a hundred and fifty metres away , looked to his left and saw us .
29 She seemed to stand staring at the two of them , and they at her , for a long time , while outside , where night was making of the road a strange country , the vegetation grew black and monstrous .
30 A middle-aged woman passed along the street on roller skates , and across the road a fat man was fixing a notice , ‘ Only a few days to go .
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