Example sentences of "[art] hour a " in BNC.

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1 The woman I spoke to on the phone realised this immediately and within the hour a man in a boiler suit arrived .
2 Rachel had imagined that the accident would put paid to Family Day and that the other activities , including the firework display , would be cancelled , but within the hour a message came through from the hospital from Sir Anthony to say that , because miraculously there had been no fatalities , with even the pilot surviving his injuries , it was his express wish that the Family Day celebration should continue .
3 Some classes gave as little as half an hour a week to science and , on average , it took only 5 per cent of the timetable .
4 Courtfield was the happy family home of our founder , Cardinal Herbert Vaughan , whose mother , Eliza , spent an hour a day praying for religious vocations for her thirteen children .
5 Scientists at Reading University have made a plant-stroking machine which brushes polythene strips over test plant leaves for an hour a day .
6 Meanwhile , Doctor Sparrow recommends that she be allowed to sit out of bed , in a chair , for an hour a day , during the summer months .
7 Mr Bruce Napier , a chartered clinical psychologist once in charge of the society 's disciplinary procedures , said : ‘ If you go to see a therapist for an hour a week to talk about your most intimate feelings , it is understandable you may develop more powerful feelings for him than you would for your bank manager or solicitor . ’
8 The new channel will be obliged , at the start , to offer only half an hour a day of news and only an hour a week of current affairs .
9 The new channel will be obliged , at the start , to offer only half an hour a day of news and only an hour a week of current affairs .
10 A special foot-pump used twelve hours a day saved the situation , and Rose subsequently had to use the pump for at least an hour a day to prevent a recurrence of the problem .
11 Most people got some informal care , and three-quarters had someone who spent on average at least an hour a day doing things with them or on their behalf .
12 I used to spend an hour a day on him . ’
13 The time ranged from half an hour a day to 13 hours a day , depending on whether devolution was viewed as a separate activity concerned only with finance or whether it was seen as being curriculum driven and/or inseparable from all the activities performed by a head in a working day .
14 The Wolf-Man — so called because of a dream involving wolves which Freud interpreted as a memory of his parents having sex — saw Freud for an hour a day , every day except Sundays , for four years .
15 After about half an hour a girl came out of the gate , her tartan shawl held round her with rough , reddened hands .
16 Baron Frankenstein stands in his laboratory quaking with anticipation ; in half an hour a lightning bolt will streak from the skies bringing life to the thing that lies on the slab .
17 She has been walking for an hour a day for more than a year , but very slowly .
18 Washing up after every meal can mean you spend around an hour a day sunk in the sink .
19 You could get to quite like these characters if all you got was half an hour a week .
20 In half an hour a dozen or so cars would drive into the inner courtyard and the morning shift would take over .
21 She was talking now as if the child were not present , but the child was present , and she spoke up : ‘ An hour a month ?
22 The bars here are unique in that unlike the rest of ‘ puritan ’ Germany , they only close for an hour a day to let the cleaners in ( many bars even pour drink through a loophole by cleaning half the bar at a time — prost ! )
23 A representative assessment is that given by the library manager : I would say that one of the biggest advantages was the fact that senior management … from the Head down , from the very word go , were after making it a success … one thing we have got is a greater awareness from a greater number of staff , because they come in here to supervise and help [ and ] get involved … but I think the biggest advantage has been the fact that time devoted to … library skills for all the first year … [ has ] been extended to an hour a week …
24 Erm , George and I had that class shared between us , he took them for an hour a week and I did and i if there is a class that any of us had ever taken that would be unlikely to be able to write something meaningful of this kind
25 Within half an hour a crowd of pilgrims had gathered outside the hotel .
26 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
27 An hour a day , ’ Nicholson said , leading them across the yard .
28 often regardless of the ground to be covered , has for decades been the equivalent of an hour a day .
29 She allowed herself to read for no more than half an hour a day .
30 Exercises that accomplish this are swimming , short-term jogging ( about half an hour a day ) and skipping .
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