Example sentences of "[art] family [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Families expressed resentment if they came to think that they were being considered as a ‘ problem ’ family , and were quick to point out that had it not been for the arrival of the new child , they would not have needed the services of the family therapist .
2 The moment passed , her mother began talking about the late roses in her flowerbeds and Rachel was just thinking she 'd got away with not mentioning David Markham , when her father said , ‘ Talking of OBEX , we wanted to check the date of the Family Day with you . ’
3 That 's why we were looking forward to the Family Day .
4 Why , only a couple of weeks ago you were saying you hoped they would n't even meet at the Family Day ; now you 're suggesting that she actually goes and stays where he works .
5 That meant David was definitely intending to be at the Family Day .
6 Had she warned her that there was every possibility they might meet at the Family Day ?
7 The family system is an open one which continually exchanges information , ideas and material with other systems .
8 There are several aspects of life in the older family to disentangle , in order to begin to understand the family system , and the family network of any elderly person or couple referred for social work help .
9 The specific pattern of behaviour of a particular family — the family system .
10 The family system
11 Those in the network may be so closely involved with the old person as to become part of the family system ( see Chapter 5 ) .
12 Greene ( 1986 ) explored the family system approach writing for gerontological social workers in America .
13 This will affect the way family members respond to the change in capacity of the elderly family member , including how the family system can incorporate these changes ;
14 The social worker should proceed to explore the organisation and structure of the family system , the roles people play within it , and the way the changes in the old person have affected that .
15 As well as working with the elderly person , it will be important to work with family members , so that the impact of recent changes is recognised throughout the family system , and all are engaged in working together towards accommodating those changes and losses .
16 The purpose of this chapter has been to show how carers and the informal care network becomes part of the family network , and possibly even part of the family system with which social workers must work .
17 For McGregor , as for Pym , the major changes centred around the family system which prescribed the conditions for sexual relationships , changes which resulted in loosened bonds of matrimony , increased choice and reduced frustration and suffering .
18 It annoys old ladies in Brighton , but it is proof of their essential good sense … families are impoverished but the family system has not broken up .
19 They do n't care about the family man getting shot , they do n't care about the families .
20 In Now Voyager he played the family man caught up in a shipboard romance with a repressed spinster , Bette Davis , who has been prescribed a transatlantic cruise by her psychiatrist .
21 It is easier to carve Neil Kinnock into chunks : the party boss , the family man , the orator , the man who is fit to govern , the would-be Prime Minister .
22 Shots of the Kinnocks ' 25th wedding anniversary party portrayed Neil the family man , dancing the anniversary waltz with Glenys to Larry Adler 's solo harmonica , watched by daughter Rachel , striking in a red dress .
23 The night duty men are also called early from their beds to parade for the football matches , therefore with insufficient sleep , coupled with hours of standing in the cold within a short space of rising from a warm bed , it is not surprising to have a heavy sick list … can not matters be arranged more conveniently for the family man ?
24 This can have a rather unsettling effect over a long period — the family man can not promise to take his children to the seaside or his wife out to dinner more than a week ahead without the chance that he might be in India , California or Scotland at the time he promised .
25 By 1938 the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee ad-mitted that it could not increase dependants ' benefits without pushing the level of unemployment benefit for the family man above the level of many workers earnings .
26 The family man in his complex tripart personality is still as affable as ever , and his two sons joined him in London when his marriage broke up .
27 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it is good news that , even in the teeth of an international recession , the Government have achieved reductions in interest rates , which means that the family man with an average , typical mortgage of £30,000 pays £100 a month less ?
28 The family man believes their new-found faith is ‘ a ploy to get them out earlier ’ .
29 The plan of the family part of the house ( Fig. 8c ) , from either point of view , remains symmetrical , although it has acquired a conservatory to one side , and a range of offices to the other .
30 ‘ I tried to produce something that was very beautiful , very generous and very warm ; that showed the family life I have with my wife , ’ says Koons , a little hurt .
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