Example sentences of "[art] long struggle " in BNC.

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1 Their relationship became more and more covert ; he left the police and they moved to a suburb where they ‘ passed for white ’ and began the long struggle called ‘ trying for white ’ .
2 Class 04 2–8–0 No. 63902 emerges cone more into daylight , the long struggle from Penistone is over , and the crew can take things easy on the downhill run through Longdendale .
3 The long struggle of the provinces against the most powerful ruler in Europe has perhaps the best claim to be the first war of national liberation .
4 But more immediately it reminds us that the imperial invaders played the role of the Persians ; that Barbarossa 's efforts systematically to reduce the cities of the north — and less systematically , those of Tuscany and Umbria — led to the formation of the First Lombard League ; and that the long struggle with the Hohenstaufen was one of the preludes to the formation of the civic empires which dominated late medieval Italy .
5 The long struggle to reclaim what was theirs has made them cold and deadly .
6 The frustrations of the long struggle in Korea , combined with McCarthy 's campaign , suggested that America 's problems resulted from a " softness on communism " that pervaded the Truman administration .
7 The long struggle with France in 1689–1713 meant an unprecedented raising of money for government purposes by methods such as the levying of a land-tax and the creation of a funded debt .
8 What then did Innocent gain from the long struggle ?
9 On the other side , what did Innocent or the papacy lose in the long struggle ?
10 The long struggle by popes and bishops for celibacy among the clergy was not over by Innocent 's pontificate .
11 A historical theory must validate itself against a future whose demand , ultimately , is the redemption of the democratic claim buried within the long struggles for and by ‘ the people ’
12 Dr Vijayan also reports that after a long struggle to arouse their interest , Pakistani environmentalists are aware of the threat to the bird .
13 Always self-deprecating and modest , he fought bravely a long struggle against cancer , remaining cheerful and full of amusing unrepeatable anecdotes .
14 Marc Wadsworth , the black sections national organiser , said : ‘ We can live with a long struggle .
15 My headmaster and a teacher , after a long struggle , managed to convince my Papa that it was in my best interest to pursue such a training .
16 These , he says , were not overcome without a long struggle .
17 It 's going to be a long struggle getting established and until I am I do n't see how … ’
18 This was a long struggle indeed , small fields being literally carved out of the landscape by fire , hacking and sheer brute force .
19 Perhaps the mother-daughter relationship is also significant in respect of whether the Lady enters your life easily , or only after a long struggle .
20 There had been a long struggle .
21 The increase had been won only after a long struggle .
22 But the low priority still given to gender , and the position of women in the foothills of the profession , ( see BSA , 1986 ) together with increased competition for the limited funding available for sociological research in the present political climate , suggest that feminists still face a long struggle to put women 's issues onto sociology 's mainstream agenda .
23 After a long struggle Raymond v of Toulouse had eventually , in 1176 , resigned all his rights over Provence ; and in 1177 Alfonso had taken over Roussillon .
24 A thousand strange phantoms arise , which come and go without his will : these , which are transient in the beginning , at last take firm possession of the mind , which yields to their dominion , and , after a long struggle , runs into continued madness .
25 As the Soviets became involved in a long struggle with Afghan guerrillas , similar in some respects to America 's involvement in Vietnam , Carter began to take punitive measures against Moscow but without fully consulting his NATO allies .
26 A long struggle by writers to establish first domestic and then international copyright resulted not only in a new concept of literary property but new , or at least amended , social relationships of writers .
27 It was the end of a long struggle ; there will be no more bespoke tailoring or fine sewing in the old workshop . ’
28 It was confiscated again in 1302 , but eventually , after a long struggle , he succeeded in maintaining his palatine rights .
29 It represents , however , a retreat from the basic principle that the price of limited liability should be full financial disclosure — a principle which after a long struggle , was adopted in the 1967 Act .
30 The idea which lay behind the use of the term ‘ social democracy ’ was that the working-class movement would not only complete the process of achieving political democracy by establishing universal and equal suffrage ( and this itself required a long struggle ) , but would also extend democracy into other areas of social life , in particular through a democratic control of the economy , and would thus create new democratic institutions .
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