Example sentences of "[art] same field " in BNC.

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1 Jay had no inclination to go through the who are you , what do you do , oh really , gosh my brother-in-law used to be in the same field .
2 ‘ I would n't say they were in the same field , ’ he says dryly .
3 Groups formed as a result of a parent company , such as Matsushita Electric , spinning off its own operating divisions to form separate companies within the same field to act as suppliers , distributors and even retailers .
4 The chief of these was the Ospedale del Brolo , the ‘ hospital in the field ’ , the same field in which the basilica stood , one of the hospitals that was amalgamated into Ca'Grande .
5 For example , the author of a paper may , in citing other researchers in the same field , intentionally omit a competitor 's name .
6 Cereal-growing or hay- and silage-making in the same field year after year will obviously rob that field of humus and structure , especially if heavy-yielding crops are grown with chemical fertilizers .
7 Alum Pot is palpably not a place for novices to explore , and for the uninitiated most interest will be found in the north corner of the same field .
8 Special collections purchased from private or public sources may form the bulk of a university 's holdings of research materials , and the acquisition of one special collection may — if it is subsequently well maintained — lead to the offer of further collections in the same field .
9 A reply was then received from Mr Quarry but the proposed ground rent of £15 a year was considered too high and another effort was made to get from the Baroness von Steiglitz some ground at the corner of what is now Carrickblacker Avenue and in the same field where the existing Tabernacle stood .
10 Such space-times have also been considered in the context of cosmology , where certain vacuum inhomogeneous cosmologies satisfy the same field equations as the interaction region for colliding colinear gravitational waves ( Gowdy 1971 ) , although different boundary conditions are appropriate .
11 They were careful to keep the bull in the same field much of the time but sometimes they would have to move him and occasionally he would get out , so one always had to be wary .
12 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
13 It also makes sense to ask around among other people in the same field to see if you can pick up any extra information about the firm .
14 Obviously if you did a course in engineering or modern languages and you are going for a job where these skills are required it should not be difficult to explain that this is what positively interests you and you chose the subject because you wanted to go on to employment in the same field .
15 He estimated that at that time the local wind had become steady at 15 to 20 mph from 300°M , which was less than that on previous occasions when he had operated from the same field .
16 The Commission noted that , in certain circumstances , such as where the parties agree not to carry out other research and development in the same field , these agreements might infringe Article 85(1) .
17 So , even if you do n't intend to compete in FAI contests where it is necessary to perform smooth , polished , engine-off landings in a small box , why not have a go at doing some untidy , but gentle , ones somewhere in the same field ?
18 Mind climates influence other mind climates of similar nature : conversely , positive thoughts amplify positive attitudes via the same field .
19 We do not know whether most of what we have observed in this field can be generalized to other fields or , indeed , to less intensively studied parts of the same field .
20 Measurement of the FITC-phalloidin signal ( proportional to F-actin concentration ) in the same field of view shown in dual-channel mode in g , but scanned here in single-channel mode .
21 c , d , Paired images of Bcl-2 and ER proteins in the same field , whereas e , f are paired images of Bcl-2 and the mitochondrial proteins in the same field .
22 c , d , Paired images of Bcl-2 and ER proteins in the same field , whereas e , f are paired images of Bcl-2 and the mitochondrial proteins in the same field .
23 The satellite passed at 800km altitude over the EISCAT field-of-view , observing the same field line as the UHF radar at 10:11UT .
24 Very loose clusters such as the Hyades are best observed with low powers , when the entire cluster can be seen in the same field ; fainter clusters require extra power .
25 With × 7 , this triangle is in the same field with Alpha .
26 There are also two fainter M-type stars , Pi ( 4.3 ) in the × 7 field with Beta , and Upsilon ( 4.7 ) in the same field as Theta .
27 With × 7 , there are three in the same field : M36 , 37 and 38 .
28 The brightest of them , M37 , is in the same × 7 field with Theta , but barely in the same field with × 12 .
29 Using × 7 , Rho is in the same field as Sigma ( 4.5 ) which is of type F , but in which I can see no colour at all .
30 In April 1860 J. Baxendell , a leading variable star.observer of the time , recorded an unfamiliar star of about magnitude 9.7 in the same field as Arcturus .
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