Example sentences of "[art] hard [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was enough to captivate the hardest heart and mine took an uncomfortable , half pleasurable jump , and I knew I was lost .
2 Coming to the end of this symphony is one of the hardest tasks in all conducting .
3 Daly found one of the hardest tasks was getting into Augusta National .
4 A woman who would tackle the hardest tasks for those she loved , who met life head-on and never cried craven .
5 As I said to the hon. Member for Sheffield , Central , when he was here , I would welcome a five-hour debate on the distribution of grant , which is one of the hardest tasks facing any Government .
6 Chicherin ( with benefit of hindsight ) described the challenges which lay ahead as follows : [ Alexander ] was called upon to execute one of the hardest tasks which can confront an autocratic ruler : to completely remodel the enormous state which had been entrusted to his care , to abolish an age-old order founded on slavery , to replace it with civic decency and freedom , to establish justice in a country which had never known the meaning of legality , to redesign the entire administration , to introduce freedom of the press in the context of untrammelled authority , to call new forces to life at every turn and set them on firm legal foundations , to put a repressed and humiliated society on its feet and to give it the chance to flex its muscles .
7 To be poor and to be honest , especially with a young girl , is the hardest struggle of all . ’
8 In old age Ramsey looked back and knew that this was the hardest decision of his life .
9 ‘ It seemed like it was the hardest decision I ever had to make in my life .
10 Unemployment is up another 17 per cent ; more houses and shops are boarded up ; burglaries and joyriding continue — and if there is less ram-raiding it is only because 50 or so of the hardest cases are still behind bars .
11 I think those are perhaps the hardest cases , where the parents are not able to cope because they just can not cope , they are subnormal , and you ca n't in any way say that they are to blame , they 're just totally inadequate people .
12 They were a cross between the most intelligent members of CID and the hardest cases in the Fraud Squad .
13 To those that consider A-level art a soft option , he quotes his pupils , who invariably claim this is the hardest subject of all : ‘ There are no right answers , you ca n't learn it , or look it up , or quote from someone else — it has to come from you . ’
14 For most of us the uphill battle to avoid a downhill slide is one of the uphill battle to avoid a downhill slide is one of the hardest challenges in a sport where yesterday was a long time ago .
15 Woody herbs , like thyme , marjoram and winter savory stay green in all but the hardest winters and clip into tiny hedging .
16 He added : ‘ Colin McMillan is the best boxer in Britain , Nigel Benn is the hardest puncher and Paul Hodkinson is the best fighter .
17 Jim Webb was a real hero in defeat , according to manager Monaghan and maybe unlucky to lose a thrilling final against the hardest puncher of the week , Randall Thompson , a coloured Canadian .
18 Peter Fowler works tremendously hard on everything , but Vijay Singh is the hardest worker on his swing overall .
19 He 's the hardest worker on all aspects of the game .
20 Peter Fowler is the first name that springs to mind as the hardest worker on the Tour , purely because we do n't see Nick Faldo too often !
21 The hardest part about expanding will be finding pub stock up to the Nicholson 's standards .
22 Of all the community services on offer , he had chosen the coastguards , which involved nights spent quietly in a hut on the cliff tops watching for shipping ; and the hardest part of all the trials he endured in the Navy was being marooned on a ship for months on end with no opportunity to be alone .
23 But the hardest part about business really is the simplest thing : the temptation to just say ‘ Fuck the pressure ! ’ and go work for somebody else . ’
24 We had a terrific secret to guard ; we could not speak — and that , at the beginning , was the hardest part .
25 On many beaches this can be the hardest part , as there is often an unpleasant shore-break .
26 The practical tasks a carer has to carry out for a dementia sufferer are not necessarily , of course , the hardest part of care .
27 That 's really the hardest part about coming here .
28 Initially the aim is to get called for interview , and this is the hardest part .
29 The hardest part was establishing the rhythm and co-ordination but luckily he 's a tolerant chap who did n't appear to mind when I got it wrong . ’
30 The hardest part of the whole technique is building up the independence of the finger that holds the bottleneck .
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