Example sentences of "[art] whole world " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the novel Jaromil has forsworn his artist friend , who is under the ban of the regime and compelled to paint by candlelight : ‘ The whole world of his pictures has been dead for years .
2 Foreign statesmen revere an oil-rich omnipotence : ‘ Now the whole world was at his feet .
3 Stage nerves are unlike anything else in the whole world , and many good actors will confess to them right through their careers .
4 Read newspapers , and do n't assume that the whole world is as interested in acting as you are .
5 The whole world changes but your mind does not , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg typed ) .
6 Mild ale is one of the last surviving examples of the type of beer the whole world drank until new developments in Britain and Europe introduced lighter coloured brews .
7 ‘ You must think the whole world 's against you at the moment . ’
8 ‘ It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world , ’ declared the grandson of the BeSHT , Nachman of Bratislava , in one of his more caustic diatribes , ‘ so he appointed rabbis in different locations . ’
9 In his illness he dreamt that the whole world was condemned to fall victim to some terrible and unknown pestilence that was coming upon Europe out of the depths of Asia .
10 When , on his final journey to the police station , Raskolnikov kneels down in the middle of the Haymarket and kisses ‘ the earth , the filthy earth ’ ( zemlya ) as Sonya has bidden , it is entirely calculated by Dostoevsky that a tipsy artisan should laugh at the strange young man who ‘ is bowing down to the whole world and is kissing the capital city of St Petersburg and its soil ’ ( grunt , the German Grund ) .
11 ‘ We shall overturn the whole world by tomorrow , ’ they chanted with earnest conviction .
12 We are waiting just as you are , as the whole world is waiting , ’ a spokeswoman at the convent said .
13 He also ranged higher and spoke inspirationally of the ‘ absolutely imperative task , to bring the whole world together in a cause which both touches and imperils our common humanity ’ .
14 So she rehearsed the triumphs and achievements of the Thatcher Revolution and laid lavish claim to having lit in Britain the torch of freedom for the whole world .
15 Those ‘ indestructible barriers ’ which in the Clark lectures he saw as characterizing post-Cartesian society are all too apparent in The Waste Land where in Bradley 's words , quoted by Eliot , ‘ regarded as an existence which appears in a soul , the whole world for each is peculiar and private to that soul ’ .
16 Edward 's speech , for instance , presented ‘ Contre Sartre ’ , and stating that ‘ Hell is oneself ’ , recalls ‘ Thinking of the key , each confirms a prison ’ , and Bradley on ‘ the whole world for each ’ as ‘ peculiar and private to that soul ’ .
17 Hooker , in a now famous passage , asked : ‘ see we not plainly that obedience of creatures unto the law of nature is the stay of the whole world ? ’
18 Throughout the pamphlet Hic Mulier seems to be in sympathy with this remark of Montaigne 's , but nowhere is her appropriation of the idea more challenging than in the way she dissolves both law and ideological fixity into a celebration of change and transformation , and , by implication , a celebration of her potential rather than her fixed nature : ‘ Nor do I in my delight of change otherwise than as the whole world does ’ ( sig .
19 The whole world knows that the house was never run right until you came .
20 Suddenly the whole world was wide open to her .
21 The whole world would mourn .
22 The scientist who threatens to blow up London in the film John Boulting directed for Korda , Seven Days to Noon ( 1950 ) , does so in order that the whole world will be made aware of how a scientific dream had been corrupted .
23 Give every lion wings and make every caryatid an Amazon capable of carrying the whole world on her skull .
24 They take on the whole world , but they 've got no patterns with which to deal with all that experience. ,
25 The whole world ( except a few hardliners ) would welcome a breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli conflict .
26 But a cut of ten times that amount in the whole world 's output of carbon dioxide , shared among all countries , would not only cost Britain far less : it would bring bigger benefits in climate stability .
27 You get some scoop , big news round the whole world , wo n't it be ? ’
28 The whole world must have known that Hubert was on the river .
29 Was the whole world mad ?
30 The whole world . ’
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