Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] itself " in BNC.

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1 It incorporates some knowledge , to wit the algorithm itself , but no more .
2 Why do certain images matter to one , and why is the desire to answer this question as involuntary as the response itself ?
3 The flexibility of both the mode of eliciting a response and the response itself suggests that the test may be particularly suitable for children with handicaps which make comprehension or production of speech difficult .
4 The income itself was not grand by any standard .
5 If they are different parts of speech , they are distinguished by the italic part-of-speech label that follows the pronunciation in parentheses , or , if no pronunciation is given , the headword itself .
6 The park itself , only an arrow 's flight from the movie theatre , still had the undulations of a feudal field system .
7 The park itself is on land largely reclaimed from derelict colliery sites and slag-heaps .
8 Hotel rooms will be smaller than their US equivalents , the park itself is on a smaller scale and , although plans are already being drawn up for Phase Two , incorporating a European MGM Studio theme park , the initial range of attractions wo n't rival Disney World in Florida .
9 The most sensational views of the Bungles ( as the Aussies like to abbreviate it ) are from the air , either on sightseeing flights by light aircraft from Kununurra or by helicopter from within the park itself .
10 The prosperity and development of the Park itself would suffer if the food and other factories relocated as they threatened to do .
11 There were plenty of gates and there were numerous ways out of the square , and the park itself was barely a couple of hundred yards across ; just another backstreet pigeon trap with no feature other than a strange half-timbered lodge near its centre to make it unique , but still she hesitated to enter .
12 There is some advantage in treating the whole embedded overflow area as a single large blocked record , and manufacturers ' software often does transfer the whole track into main storage when an addition is to be made ; this allows for the addition itself , creation of link fields , changes of index , etc .
13 The stand itself was dark in character with an Italian theme of marbleized paint work and pillars , against which , white statues and pools of light provided a contrast .
14 In chains he tells the Sanhedrin itself about the one name in heaven by which we must be saved .
15 We can therefore see such a plasmid as a temporary alliance between genes which induce conjugation in the host bacterium ( and so make transmission of the plasmid itself possible ) , and genes which help the host to survive and multi ply .
16 Some tanned the leather in season , or boiled down hoof and horn in the great vats that stood inside the ramshackle building of the tannery itself .
17 His genuine differences with Moscow about where authority in the communist movement should lie could be exploited to give the impression of a total break with the ideology itself .
18 Two problems are thus solved at once : it becomes clear that terminology does not refer only to grammar , and the reasons for the terminology come before the terminology itself .
19 On the central heating , observe the condition of each radiator and valve , and on the boiler itself note the age , type and condition and whether there are signs of leakage .
20 cos there 's another thermostat on the on the boiler itself .
21 Pickups tend to be more microphonic and noisy , as do patch leads ( between the guitar and the transmitter ) and of course the wiring and switches in the guitar itself .
22 The guitar itself , as you 're probably well aware , is a basic Les Paul shape in natural mahogany with no binding whatsoever , and the pickup selector is down just above the volume and tone pots .
23 To find where the blockage is ( unless it is simply the gully itself which is blocked ) , you will have to lift the inspection chamber manhole covers starting at the house and working outwards .
24 Both here and in Chapter 8 , the scientific notation ( 14 C ) will be used when referring to the isotope itself , and the word ‘ radiocarbon ’ when discussing the dating technique generally .
25 And we can now answer that question in general terms , even without being able to comprehend the details of the complexity itself .
26 The librarian had also found the committee helpful in a number of ways by going beyond the narrow terms of the funding itself .
27 Indeed , until recently the flight that took you to Iceland landed at the base itself rather than on ‘ real' Icelandic soil .
28 His preparations had been so precise , there was little fear the base itself would be seriously damaged .
29 An unscheduled take-off would be reported immediately ; he would stand little chance of clearing the vicinity of the base itself .
30 For just as Marx , when faced with the problem ‘ How does man make his history ? ’ replied with another question , ‘ How is the man who makes history made ? ’ , so the proposal that the economic organisation of a society determines its superstructure should prompt us to ask how the base itself is determined .
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