Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] hold " in BNC.

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1 The following day , October 4 , Anthony Hutton and members of The Squadron hold their Autumn Fly-in at North Weald , Essex .
2 The bulk of moisture should be underneath , which is why you filled the planting hold beforehand , so that root action is encouraged to work down to seek it and in so doing become established .
3 The thirteen women invited to take part in the seminar hold senior positions in publishing houses in Africa ( Kenya , Nigeria , South Africa and Tanzania ) , Asia ( Hong Kong , India , Malaysia , Philippines ) , Latin America ( Argentina , Brazil ) , the Middle East ( Cyprus ) and the Pacific ( Fiji , Papua New Guinea ) .
4 In the painting the shelves in the tree hold a candle , pyramid and worms ; in the advertisement they are substituted by bottles of perfume .
5 This chapter deals principally with the situation where the husband and the wife hold the matrimonial home in their joint names ( whether as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common ) and , as a result of property adjustments , the husband 's interest in the home is conveyed or transferred to the wife 's new husband or friend .
6 The Minister will not be surprised to learn that my question concerns the regulatory environment of British Steel , in which the Government hold the golden share .
7 There could be no clearer indicator of the indifference and contempt in which the Government hold those on the lowest incomes than the Government 's exclusive concern with our tax proposals , without even a glimmer of a mention of those who will benefit from them .
8 However , as pilots become more confident about their landings , it is very important for them to develop the skills needed to co-ordinate the stick and airbrake during the final hold off , so that an even more accurate touch down can be made .
9 [ The CARDINAL and the FOX hold her in conversation against her will .
10 I du n no what it is but they 're about that long and about that round and then they got this trigger like you similar what you do on the Vax hold the trigger .
11 ‘ I hereby agree to the severing of my entire cranium and should anything go wrong on the way hold neither the executioner nor his assistant in any way responsible .
12 For these voters and others like them throughout the country hold the key to Number 10 .
14 Mr Adams 's brother James said the family hold no animosity towards anyone over David 's death .
15 will be the respect and regard with which the populace hold their own Chiefs and Elders , and not him , combined with general good relations between the private individuals which compose the clan , and the general prosperity of the unit … where the policy of the government is to rule indirectly the political officer must be satisfied with the knowledge , locked securely in his breast , that he is very important to the native population although they are not aware of it .
16 To have used the booklet is associated with more positive attitudes towards its general utility ; teachers who recall it well hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility and flexibility and effectiveness than those who have not ; as might be expected , teachers who associate changes in school with the use of the booklet hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility than those who do not ; teachers in schools in the less prosperous northern part of the borough are less negative with respect to its efficiency .
17 ‘ When you walk through a storm hold your head up high ’ AS the song says , Graeme Souness wo n't have to walk alone when he 's backed by the experience of Roy Evans and Ronnie Moran .
18 Hold on a second hold on .
19 The sequence bits of a micro-instruction hold the address of the next instruction to be executed , and this field is gated into the SAR of the control store at the beginning of the next micro-instruction cycle .
20 Nor would the suggestion of a derivational link to a noun hold good for an associative use of young rather common in advertisements : ( 14 ) the young place to go young clothes the young thing to do Another thing to emphasize is that what we are considering does not depend on a change of sense in the adjective ; in some cases , certainly , the shift from ascription to association or vice versa may be accompanied by or compatible with such a lexical change ; but this may happen equally in cases of classical structural ambiguity , such as : ( 15 ) Charles will give a talk on the village green where two different senses of on are called upon , as one shifts from the one structure to the other .
21 Have a helper hold the kite nose up , and walk out at least 15m ( 50ft ) of line directly in-line with the wind — downwind , of course !
22 But in some areas a minority hold the view that the confidentiality of the client is thus breached and the nature of the interview may be altered by the presence of an observer .
23 If you selected a word hold down the Shift key and click on the last word of the selection — similarly for paragraphs .
24 ‘ Well , apparently Horne , for example , recognised the seed cake as a death threat , but why does the crude drawing of a ship hold such terrors for him and others ? ’
25 There 's also an autotimer , a temperature hold that keeps food hot at the end of cooking and a food probe that cooks food exactly how you want it , without timing worries .
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