Example sentences of "[prep] carrying [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because of her age , she had a one in 180 chance of carrying a baby with Down 's , yet she was not unusual in deciding against having an amniocentesis .
2 Half the women whose age — 36 plus — puts them at relatively high risk of carrying a Down 's syndrome child , also refuse amniocentesis .
3 So smile , be charming , and resist the temptation to elbow small children off the path to their doom for the crime of carrying a ghetto-blaster up the hill .
4 In more general heraldic usage the word is applied to the bringing together of two or more sets of arms to form quarterings — this is to say a shield divided into a number of areas , each capable of carrying a complete coat of arms as a sign of familial bonding .
5 Women should , if possible , put their purse and cheque book in an inside coat pocket instead of carrying a handbag .
6 A jump-seat capable of carrying a seventy-pound child was added as an optional extra , but Univair made only 42 aircraft in 1950 and seven in 1951 before selling the ATC to Forney Aircraft of Fort Collins , who changed the name to ‘ Aircoupe ’ , made a number of further modifications including fitting the Continental C–90 engine , built twelve , then changed the name yet again to the ‘ Fornaire ’ , 82 being made under that identification .
7 He developed the habit of carrying a book of poetry in his pocket , which he might open at any time for a swig of the sublime .
8 ‘ I 'm thinking of carrying a small baseball bat in the car . ’
9 Only one of the statutes accords the title of gentleman to landowners of this magnitude , yet it is clear that a great many , if not most of them , laid claim to the style even at the risk of carrying a bigger sail than they could bear .
10 In these conditions , too , the mount required either to give a force mobility or to approach a battlefield could be of inferior breed , and consequently cheaper , than a cavalry horse capable of carrying a fully armoured knight , in addition to its own armour .
11 Magnified as much by his fever as by the brass telescope to his eye , he saw Hookum Singh , a giant Sikh capable of carrying a barrel of powder on his back , stagger after Harry Dunstaple , emptying the powder in piles at the corners of the Cutcherry building and around pillars and supports .
12 He took the precaution , however , of carrying a typewriter and books among his luggage so that he could prepare for an address at the University of Leeds which he was to give in the following year .
13 The physical explanation is that the dielectric is capable of carrying a higher flux density .
14 Is it possible you do n't know that Berenice has had three miscarriages and that with every one her chance of carrying a child to term diminishes ? ’
15 Instead of carrying the vector a round the closed path NABN , the being could compare the result of carrying a to B along one path NAB with the result for the direct path NB .
16 He 'd driven her directly to her hotel so she could change her clothes and she 'd elected to wear lightweight cream cotton jeans topped by a matching sleeveless cotton stretch top , taking the precaution of carrying a jacket when Rune warned her that the breeze from the Baltic could be stiff despite the increasing warmth of the day .
17 That we can not cope with another child , that we are not ready for parenthood , that we can not face raising a child without a partner , that we can not afford a child , that our method of birth control failed , that we are the victims of rape , that we can not bear the anguish of carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption , that we can not accept the responsibility of caring for a handicapped child — these are the reasons why we seek abortion in the vast majority of cases .
18 The Minister is a little older than I , but when I was a rough and tough lad , we would never have dreamt of carrying a knife and nor would he .
19 If the reader is invited to be suspicious , and is nudged towards a defamatory explanation which the writer " did not care or did not dare to express in direct terms " the publication will be capable of carrying a defamatory imputation .
20 Now we all know that the reason for this inordinate six month delay was that the government could n't be sure of carrying a vote on anything European in the face of hostility from its Maastricht rebels , those the Prime Minister famously dubbed the illegitimate ones .
21 At Gloucester Crown Court , Rennie admitted 2 charges of kidnap and one of carrying a firearm .
22 Beware of carrying a subtle ploy too far today or of letting a loved one get away with playing emotional games .
23 ‘ People come here aged maybe 50 or 60 and their blood pressure goes down to what it was in adolescence , they are no longer constipated , digestive problems seem to disappear , their sex lives improve , their eyes are shiny and they have a feeling of optimism instead of carrying a heavy load of despondency .
24 Three joined together can form a ferry capable of carrying the Challenger tank , or they can be coupled to form a bridge capable of carrying even the heaviest Army loads .
25 Give every lion wings and make every caryatid an Amazon capable of carrying the whole world on her skull .
26 On 13 July 1919 the first two-way crossing of the Atlantic was completed by the Beardmore-built R34 , which made the flight to Minneola in the USA in spite of carrying the world 's first airborne stowaway .
27 There even seems to have been some notion of carrying the plateway along as far as Husbands Bosworth .
28 A gardener 's belt , with clasps and pouches for small tools is a practical way of carrying the tools around .
29 ( As a result of diabetes Jacky lost his sight completely in 1988 , after thirty years of carrying the bags of some of golf 's greatest names . )
30 I hope somewhere down the line I 'll have the opportunity of carrying the sack again for him .
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