Example sentences of "[prep] terms [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Changes in usage of terms over time can also present problems .
2 Aung San 's combination of terms for possible cooperation with hints of possible insurrection was shrewdly devised .
3 Lavoisier had coined a new set of terms for it , replacing those which enshrined earlier theoretical views , from alchemy or from the phlogiston theory of burning .
4 There is a standard set of terms for the conduct of an arbitration .
5 A truly Saussurean approach would give speech and writing equal status , since it regards language as a system of differences , and not as a collection of terms for conveying information existing independently of it .
6 the alphabetical index which provides an entry vocabulary or a list of terms for first consultation , as well as identification of the place of a subject within the scheme .
7 Father D'Arcy said that he did not think Distributism was the happiest of terms for a politico-economic movement ; but he vouched for Chesterton 's total sincerity in propounding it , and he hinted that the review was a regular drain on his pocket .
8 The provisional dates of terms for 1994/95 are :
9 Is the contract on " written standard terms " if the terms are held on a word processor and one term is altered for dealings with a particular customer ? ( b ) A business regularly contracts on terms prepared by its trade association : are those terms its " written standard terms " ? ( c ) A business makes individual contracts by telephone , or other instantaneous communication , but incorporates its normal terms of business into the contracts by express oral reference , or by a course of dealing ; are the terms then " written standard terms " ? ( d ) Are terms " standard " on the first occasion they are used ? ( e ) A business has negotiated a set of terms for use on all contracts with a particular customer .
10 A slightly better idea may be to prepare a separate set of terms for use in consumer transactions , since the supplier 's freedom to restrict liability is more restricted in such cases , and exclusions are less likely to be held reasonable .
11 Thus , for instance , in a set of terms for use in international trading , expressions such as " fob " and " cif " could be defined by reference to the current version of Incoterms ( International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms , published by the International Chamber of Commerce ) .
12 The Treaty of Utrecht was not the triumphant dictation of terms to a prostrate enemy that some Whigs would have liked , but it provided something for almost all overseas commercial interests in Britain and in her possessions overseas .
13 Selection of terms to be included in the thesaurus .
14 They are not always on the best of terms with the carters with whom they have to deal , and threats of actual violence do not tend to the increase of business .
15 Significantly , he said he was ‘ on the best of terms with her as they are quite independent of each other .
16 However , attempts to translate the Geographical Information Systems Tutor ( GISTutor ) ( Raper and Green 1989 ) into a number of European languages have encountered two main difficulties : first , the local adoption of English for spatial terms ( and therefore concepts ? ) due to the English lexicon of most commercially available GlS , and second the difficulty of providing for translation of terms with no direct counterpart .
17 The latter are available in a range of forms — from simple lists of terms with ‘ use/used for ’ references as , for example , Pollution Abstracts User Aid and BYGGDOK term list , to thesauri such as the INSPEC Thesaurus with clearly defined structural relationships between terms .
18 [ That would correspond to the ordered n-tuple unc I With a little care one can even have an infinite number of terms on the right hand side .
19 The glossary of terms on the inside back cover provides definitions of reserves categories .
20 The overall index of terms of trade fell from 100 in 1970 to 24 in 1982 .
21 In the British and the American cases it is as necessary to contextualise the production of knowledges about the inner city as it is to unpack the glossary of terms of urban regeneration used in contemporary political discourse .
22 In the context of terms of shape , children inferred that an unfamiliar term picked out a shape ; in the context of terms of colour , they generally inferred that the unfamiliar term picked out a colour .
23 In the context of terms of shape , children inferred that an unfamiliar term picked out a shape ; in the context of terms of colour , they generally inferred that the unfamiliar term picked out a colour .
24 Decisions of the court upon the meanings of phrases used in Acts of Parliament may come , in the course of time , to give them the quality of terms of art which Parliament may well be assumed to have intended them to bring with them when used in subsequent legislation .
25 Box B : National Health Strategy : summary of terms of reference
26 You 're gon na get copies of terms of
27 Er similarly in I' think it 's Japanese you find that men and women use different for certain things , er not because not because of terms of style just because they are the correct words to use if you are a man or if you are a women .
28 Effect of terms of contract .
29 The issues are limited to interpretation of the words of the expert clause or other relevant parts of the original contract , or the interpretation of terms of reference or other agreed procedure .
30 Thus , for instance , a set of terms of sale might require the buyer to take delivery of the goods on receipt of notice that they are ready for delivery and then provide : If the Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms of this contract , the Seller shall be entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect .
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