Example sentences of "[prep] realise [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's time people gave some of our youngsters the credit for realising the state the country is in and knowing that they are the ones who are going to have to put it right — and are prepared to work hard to do so .
2 The main point , then , about realising an idea , is that of transformation .
3 In Yuill v Wilson [ 1979 ] STC 486 ( CA ) ; [ 1980 ] STC 460 ( HL ) , the UK resident taxpayer provided two overseas companies , with which he was connected , with the opportunity of realising a gain and was held to be assessable on the gain .
4 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
5 Full allowance must be made also for the costs of the liquidation ( to be distinguished from the costs of realising the assets ) .
6 Under TA 1988 , s776 a capital land gain can be chargeable under Case VI , Schedule D upon a settlor if he has provided his trust with the opportunity of realising the gain .
7 However , we deplore the obstacles that are employed in certain sectors to frustrate the march of the masses towards realising a truly democratic society .
8 Drama makes an important contribution towards realising the overall aims of English as set out in chapter 2 .
9 It is because trust has been eroded by the long running conflict between central Government and the teaching unions that as a nation we are far from realising the ideal of having our schools staffed by the true professionals that children deserve .
10 We have heard that , far from realising the £100 million which was originally talked of , the sale may now fetch as little as £6 million .
11 A purchase notice is not intended to apply in a case in which an owner is simply prevented from realising the full potential value of his land .
12 Highlander staff wanted to get back to somewhere near where they started from ; that is , working with struggling communities in the mountains , helping them to find a voice , to articulate their problems clearly , and in realising the nature of their problems , to take positive action to solve them .
13 ‘ The Family ’ relies very heavily on the teacher 's skill in realising the importance of listening to children talking and also knowing when simply to listen and when to listen and suggest or question .
14 Even if this had been determined there would still be formidable technical obstacles to be overcome in realising the managed market in health care , given that the project is unprecedented and unpiloted .
15 It will now be for the developers , the financial institutions and others in the private sector to use their expertise and to play a major role in realising the full potential of available unused public sector land .
16 Thus , perhaps without realising the implications , the Soviet parliament gave the go-ahead for the most revolutionary experiment here since Lenin 's New Economic Policy of the 1920s : for a massive delegation of powers from the centre , permitting a single republic to create its own market-oriented economy , with its own budget , and to redraw economic rules which basically Stalin 's .
17 Of course the young girls , they sometimes started off very enthusiastic and perhaps did do quite a lot without realising the implications and effect of it but the older women often had trouble keeping up .
18 ‘ They took decisions without realising the full impact on public opinion , ’ he said .
19 A MAGISTRATE set bailiffs on to two companies for being £26,000 behind with business rates — without realising the firms were HIS .
20 One night I was so touched by yet another account of his plight that I said , without realising the full implications of what I was saying , that there was a spare bedroom in Mrs Smith 's house .
21 Others among them may form consistently unfortunate or unhappy heterosexual relationships without realising the true reason for their failures in this area ; for these , realisation of their homosexual needs and urges could be a step towards release from a heterosexual bondage .
22 Have Post-war changes in educational policy and provision brought Britain closer to realising the vision of the meritocratic society ?
23 Through these companies , GDA is committed to realising the economic potential of the priority regeneration areas of Castlemilk , Drumchapel , the East-End , Glasgow North ( Springburn ) , Gorbals , Easterhouse and Govan .
24 The Commission views the creation of a social consensus as essential to realising the benefits of an integrated European economy .
25 He is astute by realising the question was not friendly , abusive , a snob used to ordering others about .
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