Example sentences of "[prep] the edge " in BNC.

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1 All are lovely specimen trees for the edge of a lawn and , since they shrug off urban pollution , can be spectacular in a town garden if planted in full sun .
2 Being hurried down stairs , trying to feel for the edge of the steps , unable to see , was very unnerving .
3 Then the line of vehicles pulled away one by one , forming a loose convoy as they moved off along the deserted main street , heading for the edge of town .
4 The rider spurred for the edge of the covert , immediately in front of Nora , arriving there only just before the fox broke .
5 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
6 Let us consider a single piece such as the edge FR .
7 Walling may have one or two faces , so a one-face finish may not be suitable for using as the edge of a tread instead of a paving slab , but would be for use underneath the slab .
8 In most cases of the conversion of schools that incorporate this feature , the owners have wisely left space between the edge of the added floor and the window to give a mezzanine platform overlooking a ‘ double-height ’ living-room , as in the arrangement adopted at the west end of the main wing of Airton school .
9 She ran to it , scooped up handfuls of loose earth and began to make a barrier of it between the edge of the fire and the hayfield .
10 Water-quality profiles from the unsaturated zone also show significant variations , in particular a great variation between the edge and the centre of the woodland .
11 The boundary between the edge of the southern zone and the tundra is the 2°C July isotherm .
12 With more distance between the edge of the green and the flag , the shot does become easier with a lofted club , but even so , look to the putter as your safest route up a slope .
13 The greenbelt boundary as I mentioned earlier as proposed by the County Council is very tightly drawn , excluding the sites which have been mentioned which our allocated , there is no land between the edge of the urban area and the proposed greenbelt boundary and that does seem to us , continues to seem to us er not an appropriate way forward .
14 From the window of the Pincushion Room he watched the man pottering about the edge of the lake .
15 So we talked about the edge .
16 Well what about the edge ?
17 Walk through the edge of the plantation ahead and follow the track north across the moor to reach the iron age enclosures just south of the Fallowlees Burn .
18 I was stealing something out of the film : I had captured the stars in the act , and they could n't slip away , off the edge of the screen .
19 There is nothing penal about Augusta 's design — there is no thick rough off the edge of the fairways or around the fringes of the greens , the bunkering is minimal , the fairways generous , and although there is a fair sprinkling of water hazards , it is certainly no more than the players come across practically every week on the Tour .
20 He stepped off the edge of the platform , onto the track .
21 They build up in shallow waters , off the edge of tropical or sub-tropical continents , where the waters are stirred , and light penetrates .
22 The posts stuck into the rock to your right as you ascend are markers for winter to stop people going off the edge ; they also double as abseil posts for a quick escape route .
23 Fig 31 The board is now well through the turn , and to stop it turning too far , take the weight off the edge and move forwards .
24 Along the edge of the carpet are half-inch laths ; these prevent your chair from sliding off the edge , which is not only noisy but quite hazardous , too , if you should lose your balance .
25 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
26 Then why do I always feel as if I am falling off the edge of a cliff ?
27 He claims that he regards himself as ‘ someone who has stepped off the edge of a cliff ’ .
28 She slid off the edge of the bed .
29 News on Sunday ended up with the worst of both worlds — a paper with metropolitan Right-On concerns , produced in a city that had fallen off the edge of the Right-On world .
30 She slipped off the edge of the bed as if she had been injected with new life .
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