Example sentences of "[prep] the students " in BNC.

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1 There was an added incentive this year for the students as it was their last opportunity to catch the eye of Sue Rich , captain and selector of the British Team for the World Student Games which take place later this year .
2 Mary Robinson SC ( Senior Counsel ) , for the students , had said they claimed a right under European law to provide information on services available legally in another EC member state .
3 ‘ They do n't give a sod for the students and all the other wankers and pooftas that turn up ’ , he declared .
4 Their path took them down beyond the Technical College and the School of Art building , where Buddie and two of his sisters posed as living models for the students .
5 Through Brian Way 's influence a new kind of college course was emerging that saw drama as the basis for the students ' own personal development .
6 This part of the city lacks the individual character of Robyn 's own suburb , where healthfood stores and sportswear boutiques and alternative bookshops have sprung up to cater for the students and liberal-minded yuppies who live there ; and still more does it lack the green amenities of the residential streets around the University .
7 It would be possible , Roland thought , to identify the breakfast party , which must have been one of Crabb Robinson 's later efforts to provide stimulating conversation for the students of the new London University .
8 Only that we would want all students to experience these things to the fullest , so that they all have varied and rich experiences in all these spheres , and that we make special efforts to provide the time and space for the students to explore and develop their abilities and inclinations to learn and develop personal qualities without being directed .
9 Objectives , then , should reflect the teacher 's intentions and should be appropriate for the students and for the activity involved .
10 This step should ensure that the difficulty level and the volume of material in any one session are right for the students .
11 LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students .
12 The CIS students have entered a genuine selection from their member states — including players from Georgia , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Ukraine and Russia — for the Students World Cup in Italy in July .
13 Under the Institute 's standards , for example , training organisations are expected to pay for the students ' first examination attempt .
14 The 1980 elections failed to secure democratically chosen representatives for the students at the local level in Changsha as elsewhere .
15 There seemed little support for the students from the workers at this time , who were more concerned with their own problems than abstract calls for democracy .
16 When the demonstrators reached the municipal government offices , there were some scuffles with a public security unit waiting for the students .
17 In the middle of the campaign , there were several films and dance parties for the students .
18 The unfortunate death of Chai Qing Feng , labelled as a ‘ murder ’ immediately in the media , without a proper investigation into the circumstances , symbolised for the students just how low their social position had sunk .
19 He is also a certain choice for the Scottish squad for the Students ' World Cup in Italy in July .
20 These are designed for the students to practise language items which they are likely to need in a number of common situations .
21 For society as a whole , as it were , the best thing is for the students to put all their money into the public account .
22 The scheme has made it clear to managers that the teaching contracts represent a substantial part of each hospital 's budget , and Dr Pearson says that most managers are now very anxious to work with the medical school to ensure a good service for the students .
23 Where work can be planned in co-operation , in any modification or adaptation of team teaching , not only are there obvious gains for the students but the teacher himself receives much needed support .
24 But this friction was beneficial for the students , as they not only learnt a rigorous method of representation but also were exposed to more liberal attitudes .
25 In the 1920s it had been relatively easy for the students to obtain good jobs : but not now .
26 The discussions within Ashdown School may lead to changes in organisation , management and approaches which will involve a greater say for the students .
27 Admittedly , providing these essential conditions for the students ' growth will not by itself ensure that the sought-for maturation takes place .
28 Essential elements of the course were contributed by representatives from the services , who patiently and generously gave their time and expertise for the students to learn about their services — their structures , processes and procedures — and , above all , about the language and communicative strategies used in them .
29 This year 's awards were made at two ceremonies — one of which was in Bengkalis Regency for the students who live in LASMO 's field operations area .
30 ( d ) Do n't wave the cards about ; hold the card steadily in front of the class long enough for the students to grasp what situation you are trying to present .
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