Example sentences of "[prep] a rights " in BNC.

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1 Only days later news of a rights issue by British Airways was leaked to many newspapers .
2 The controversial part of the report related to rights of audience , where the majority recommended the creation of a Rights of Audience Advisory Board which would recommend to The Law Society the licensing of suitably qualified solicitors to act as advocates in the Crown Court .
3 If this is so , then the issue should be formulated as one of whether the existence of corporate power is sufficiently objectionable to defeat the prima facie justificatory force of a rights ' claim .
4 Shareholders will be asked to renew the authority of the Directors to allot and issue the Ordinary Share capital in the Company and to renew , until the Annual General Meeting in 1994 , the authority not to apply the strict statutory pre-emption provisions in the events of a Rights Issue or in any other issue up to an aggregate of 5 per cent of the issued Ordinary Share Capital as at 31 December 1992 .
5 Given the risk associated with the possibility that the market price may fall below the subscription price the timing of a rights issue is extremely important .
6 Some companies incur unnecessary underwriting costs , presumably because of a lack of appreciation of the mechanics of a rights issue … .
7 Financing the bid by means of a rights issue or cash underwritten alternative has the advantage of increasing the equity base of the offeror and improving gearing .
8 It is usually closed after a limited period , whereas the underwriting of a rights issue , especially where the rights issue is conditional on the success of the offer ( because the outcome of the offer is not guaranteed ) , may result in a longer underwriting commitment period and consequently higher underwriting costs .
9 They will also be asked to subscribe for additional Zeneca shares by way of a rights issue to raise £1.3 billion .
10 By eschewing the obvious solution of a differential dividend payment , the group has had to fall back on the option of endowing the chemicals company with additional cash by way of a rights issue from Zeneca .
11 ICI fell 42p to 1076p ahead of Thursday 's figures , accompanied by rumours of a rights issue .
12 If we paid cash , we might have had to go to shareholders for a rights issue . ’
13 It has already undertaken to sell off £100m worth of businesses and to raise £150m through a rights issue or by attracting a suitor .
14 Under the refinancing envisaged by Eurotunnel , private investors will be asked to raise up to £350m through a rights issue in return for the project 's banks agreeing to provide a further £1bn in loans .
15 MEDIRACE is raising £81.8million through a rights issue to cover most of the cost of the Evans Healthcare acquisition , which will propel it into a much bigger league .
16 There is no surplus from which to pay a dividend , but when directors asked for £162m of new capital through a rights issue at this time last year , shareholders were promised an unchanged final 7.64p , so they should receive it on July 1 .
17 The group raised a thumping £560m through a rights issue last year and has shed more than 84,000 jobs worldwide in an effort to reduce its overheads .
18 It proposes to recapitalise the insurer by raising NKr2.8 billion through a rights issue and another NKr1.5 billion or so from the bond market .
19 Earlier funding difficulties [ see p. 37583 ] , had been eased in December 1990 with the successful raising of over £560,000,000 through a rights issue in Paris and London .
20 This compares with a rights issue price of 20p and a price of 102p last year when Lowndes took over Harris Queensway for £450m .
21 to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of the holders of ordinary shares where the equity securities respectively attributable to the interests of the ordinary shareholders are proportionate ( as nearly as may be ) to the respective numbers of ordinary shares held or deemed to be held by them , subject only to such exclusions or other arrangements as the Directors may deem necessary or expedient to deal with fractional entitlements , legal or practical problems arising in any overseas territory or by virtue of shares being represented by depositary receipts , the requirements of any regulatory body or stock exchange , or any other matter ; and
22 To complete the turnaround at the Glasgow-based group , analysts are expecting a call on investors with a rights issue .
23 Reporting a daunting $406m loss for 1992 ( see below ) , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA is looking to bolster its balance sheet with a rights issue and bond offer to raise $560m .
24 The directors are presently authorised to allot shares up to a maximum nominal amount of £114,668,095 and to allot equity securities for cash in connection with a rights issue and up to an aggregate nominal amount of £9,350,000 , without applying statutory pre-emption rights .
25 Item 9 on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting is a special resolution renewing the Board 's authority to allot equity securities for cash in connection with a rights issue and up to an aggregate nominal value of £9,350,000 , such authority to expire fifteen months from the date of the passing of the resolution or on the date of the Annual General Meeting in 1994 , if earlier .
26 to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of shareholders where the equity securities respectively attributable to the interests of all shareholders are proportionate [ as nearly as may be ] to their holdings of such shares subject to such exclusions or other arrangements as the directors may consider necessary or expedient to deal with fractional entitlements , statutory restrictions or legal or practical problems under or resulting from the application of the laws of any territory or the requirements of any recognised regulatory body or stock exchange in any territory ; and
27 B. ‘ That , subject to the passing of Resolution A , before this meeting , the Directors be and they are hereby empowered pursuant to Section 24 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 to allot equity securities ( as defined by section 23 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 ) for cash pursuant to the authority conferred by such resolution as if sub-section ( 1 ) of the said Section 23 did not apply to any such allotment provided that this power shall be limited to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of shareholders and to the allotment ( otherwise than pursuant to a rights issue as aforesaid ) of equity securities up to an aggregate nominal value of IR£1,772,100 .
28 Twelve months ago , when AMEC raised £111m via a rights issue at 200p per share , many forecasters expected 1991 to be a year of recovery for the construction industry .
29 CUPID has its sights trained on shareholders ' bank accounts in an attempt to raise £1.9 million via a rights issue and a share subscription , the wedding dress maker said yesterday .
30 Even after the £383m the bank got from selling a 14.9% stake in itself to the Hongkong Bank and the £1.1 billion it raised from a rights issue and the sale of its Scottish and Irish banks , Midland still struggles to keep its third-world debt provisions up to the level of its rivals .
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