Example sentences of "[prep] the scene " in BNC.

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1 It was well worth going to if only for the scene of the spring cleaning of the dwarfs ’ house .
2 There 's something special about Grafitty ( even for the scene ! ) : they 're a Hungarian group , and quite a good one too .
3 For the scene when Benjamin is trying to get a room key , Nichols suggested that Dustin find in his life what was the most painful thing for him to do that had a sexual connotation , in a public way .
4 Various people have claimed to have had the idea for the scene in Curtiz' Casablanca where the patriots drown a German song with ‘ La Marseillaise ’ , but here , four years earlier , good-guy ex-rebels drown out ‘ The Union Forever ’ with ‘ Dixie ’ in exactly the same way .
5 Australian Mel denied using a double for the scene , adding : ‘ You feel weird doing it , but nobody gives a damn .
6 As for the scene in the Sammath Naur , it is even more providential than it looks .
7 But director Phil Noyce called for the scene to be re-shot time after time .
8 Even though a stand-in stepped into his shoes for the scene where he uses the snappers as stepping stones .
9 He and Antonio whip Claudio 's emotions up in verse with their threatened challenge , a level of seriousness from which Claudio gratefully subsides into prose for the scene in which he and Don Pedro mock Benedick ‘ the married man ’ , gulled by them into loving Beatrice .
10 It is rare for the scene to shift to a setting of higher status , in a castle , manor or abbey , etc. , though some such examples can be found .
11 Any illustrations for the scene we 've just been doing and the things we 've already been talking about , or any new ideas .
12 Old Donald chuckled in himself as the scene in the road came over him again .
13 Then , at the beginning of this week , the ANC and a group of South African academics and businessmen chose London as the scene of the latest in the series of black-white encounters which have become a regular feature of South African political life , while Mrs Thatcher gave interviews to four leading black journalists .
14 In the adventure of everyday life , on the other hand , the characters are affected by the events ( however fantastic ) that befall them , and the progression of changes fixes the order of events , giving a materiality to space as the scene of transformation and metamorphosis : ‘ Space becomes concrete and saturated with a time that is more substantial . ’
15 The bright pink baby turns into a bonny pig as the scene become surreal slapstick with baby tossed into the air with the pans .
16 we may safely say that nothing so remarkable as the scene of Westminster-Hall during the first three days of this week , had ever been known of by architects .
17 He selected Whitehaven as the scene of his demonstration merely because he already knew its waters , though a reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship , much less any naval vessel , in the port , the 250 craft there being mainly small colliers or fishing boats .
18 She had never seen anything so ethereal as the scene that slid slowly past her eyes .
19 ‘ Damning , is n't it , ’ said a voice from the doorway as the scene cut off .
20 Then as the scene switched to a New York supermarket and ‘ normal ’ life ensued , she turned to us and said , ‘ Ugh !
21 Foreign Minister Tareq Aziz put forward proposals for practical steps towards a settlement , including the choice of either Tehran or Baghdad as the scene of the talks .
22 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
23 There was a hint of menace about the scene , an unnatural stillness in which the Captain was aware of his body 's answering tension .
24 When viewers have had time to develop their own theories about the scene , they are strongly motivated when it comes to listening to the soundtrack to check whether or not they were right .
25 How do you ensure that those children who are watching are actively engaged in the " performance " , and not simply whispering about the scene they have prepared ?
26 Sorry about the scene at the restaurant .
27 His tone was polite , but there was something about the scene — the girl with her eyes on the ground , the man with the imperious bearing — that set Caroline 's teeth on edge .
28 Why had n't they just put a notice up on the screen half through the scene she was shooting when she died , saying this has to stop somewhere ?
29 ‘ I had worked out what I thought was a good routine for him and had his personal stunt man run through the scene for him , ’ said Cannutt .
30 Slowly he ran through the scene , saw the big flakes falling , the boy in the white apron scattering sawdust , the cars coming towards him .
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