Example sentences of "[prep] the position " in BNC.

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1 The Parade Commander brings the parade to attention as the staff car draws up — the video cameras whir as fathers and brothers jockey for the positions with the best view .
2 ( This is not to imply that any of the individuals involved were not qualified for the positions they held ) .
3 WALES nominated Alan Davies and Robert Norster for the positions of coach and manager to the British Lions in New Zealand next year , and both were invited for interview , but the appointments of McGeechan and Cooke were surely for rubber stamping only .
4 But where other churches have owned their own schools , as does the Church of Ireland in the South , a similar position has been adopted , though the reasons for the position have been on different grounds .
5 Choose a ground mark for the position of the final turn about an average field length back .
6 Although a shortlist of five candidates for the position of coach has been prepared , Jefferson Williams , coach of the England men 's team , said yesterday his squad were ‘ annoyed ’ at the lack of information from the EVA .
7 As for the position of Asian women , the immigration laws show the government 's attitude — that there is no need even to pretend that they are equal .
8 The Bath Spa said Mr Meister 's appointment was never seen as long-term and that he had been appointed to groom Mr Howard for the position .
9 Had we waited for the position to change , so that public investment or private investment with public guarantee could go ahead , we would still be waiting .
10 In addition coins have provided decisive evidence for the position in the structure of carved column drums , one of which can be seen today in the British Museum .
11 However fascinating the ‘ social gospel ’ has proved to historians , it was not the most important aspect of the ministry to Nonconformity : this was the need to improve the quality of ministers ' education in order to equip them for the position they had achieved in English life .
12 On 11 May , 1925 the following advertisement appeared in The Athletic News : ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB is open to receive applications for the position of TEAM MANAGER He must be fully experienced and possess the highest qualifications for the post , both as to ability and personal character .
13 I 'm not suggesting that legislators woke up one morning and said : ‘ We must abolish slavery ! ’ or ‘ Bear baiting must cease ! ’ , but for the position to have changed from tacit acceptance to wholesale condemnation , there must have been a fulcrum point when the arguments tipped decidedly in one direction .
14 The ‘ bad mood ’ syndrome brought on by an offensive odour and the resulting symptoms of annoyance can lead to antisocial behaviour ; relationships with family , friends and others become strained , the persons most affected perhaps blaming other members of the family for the position in which they find themselves and which they consider intolerable , leading in extreme cases to marriage problems or at least much unhappiness .
15 Shortly afterwards , his former employer Mr. Groves desired a tutor for his children when he went on a missionary tour of the Middle East , and selected Kitto for the position .
16 When the vacancy created by the resignation of Joseph Moreton at the newly-created Leeds half-day classes arose , Edward Kirk applied for the position , ignoring the advice of John Howard .
17 It so happened that the Missions to the Adult Deaf and Dumb of Ireland were seeking a missionary , and Maginn applied for the position .
18 There can be no connection between the appointment and the person unless it is their utter unsuitability for the position .
19 Measure for the position of the trapdoor twist catch
20 Ramsay , accepting the need , wondered whether even Douglas would have the presumption to propose himself for the position .
21 ‘ We have here not a few whose high office would make them suitable for the position , ’ he said .
22 Charlotte Campbell was more than delighted to have received a reply to her letter for the position of children 's nanny which she had seen advertised in The Times .
23 Muriel had the impression she was a strong contender for the position .
24 For example there may be further information available at the pattern level , or provided by higher levels of analysis , which will be able to suggest alternative candidate words for the position in error .
25 Cornell University invites applications for the position of Director for a new institute within its College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .
26 Objections were raised to Lotze 's candidate for the position of ‘ local sign ’ on such grounds as that localisation was prompt and certain just where , according to Lotze 's theory , one would expect it to be difficult if not impossible .
27 The terms respondents used to describe the advantages of early retirement , or to rationalize it in retrospect , often showed concern for the position of young people in the labour market , although this was rarely cited as a reason for taking early retirement .
28 They applied the well established ploy of neutralising the troublemaker by proposing him for the position of chairman , where he is obliged above all to be impartial .
29 The connection between smuggling , parliamentary politics and the conduct of customs officials was brought out strongly in the election for Wigtown in 1761 , when that town was the returning burgh of a district of four towns , for the position of the customs officers of Wigtown was thought likely to topple the dominant interest of Lord Galloway and his son Lord Garlies .
30 The monopoly of the king 's presence by a particular favourite thus had serious implications for the position of other magnates , which helps to explain the bitterness of their hostility to both Gaveston and the Despensers .
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