Example sentences of "[prep] [art] greater " in BNC.

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1 For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century .
2 Since the busy fencings and ditchings of the previous thirty years , the men who farmed the best land had flourished all the more ; they could afford the rents for the greater acreage under the plough .
3 I 'm in a position to defeat stereotypes , to work for the greater good for women who do n't enjoy the privileges that I have . ’
4 Two days later , on 26 July , the dowager and the queen left Linlithgow for the greater safety of Stirling , presumably an indication that , with the making of this bond , the relatively straightforward period of the first half of 1543 was over .
5 He therefore left Brighton for the greater glory of London ; fortunately for his less famous successors , ‘ the scheme never materialised ’ .
6 In May 1227 he granted such a charter for the greater part of Berkshire , and in June 1228 for most of the forest in Gloucestershire east of the Severn ; in October 1229 for Ombersley and Horewell in Worcestershire ; and in April 1230 for Kesteven in Lincolnshire .
7 THEY died for the greater good .
8 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
9 It would also have lengthened the plane , but the forces of the hauling system would have been correspondingly less , and an increase of speed could have compensated for the greater distance travelled .
10 The dog is with his owner for the greater part of the weekend and , through the week , the dog is road walked to produce fitness and show condition , so the ordinary show dog , apart from receiving the care and love of his owner , receives exercise and mental stimulus and is bonded with his owner by a common purpose .
11 All growth of character implies this exchange of the lesser for the greater .
12 But if every man here used his vote as he should and put a Labour government not only in the State of New South Wales but throughout the dominion , not only throughout the dominion but the Commonwealth , not only in the Commonwealth but throughout the world — ’ Bobby was enjoying himself now and so were most of his audience , standing under the afternoon sun. ’ — then the working man will have his true voice and he will make it heard in the corridors of power , for we will be the new power then — and we will use it for the greater good of all .
13 The animal welfarist 's position , like the deep ecologist 's , is committed to permitting the sacrifice of some individuals for the greater good , and even the deep ecologists , notwithstanding their glorification of sport hunting ( I have in mind such legendary figures as Aldo Leopold , Ortega y Gasset and the poet Gary Snyder ) , might agree that more humane forms of hunting and trapping are preferable to more barbaric ones .
14 About the same time it was recommended that the church at Seagoe should be removed to Edenderry for the greater convenience of the parishioners , a suggestion not implemented .
15 You will now appreciate the load I have carried for the greater part of my life .
16 Although some of this variation may be attributed to inherent reliability problems in the computation method or original poor data quality , other geological factors probably account for the greater part of the observed variation .
17 Earthquakes can now be reliably predicted , for the greater part of Greece .
18 They will want strong churches to reproduce themselves to make this easy rather than working against it , enjoying the fact that it will sometimes mean breaking through the parish boundaries for the greater good of enabling all of the people in all the parishes to hear all the gospel .
19 The person whose stammer is caused through lack of confidence or chronic anxiety is breathing this way for the greater part of the time .
20 How can any locally elected politician be expected to persuade his community to pay the price of blight and disruption for the greater good of a city on the scale of London ?
21 He had a light lunch in a small sandwich bar off the street called Crutched Friars , where monks once hobbled with one leg bound behind them to cause pain for the greater glory of God , and he made up his mind what he would do .
22 For example , the hearse around the coffin was practically unseen after the third quarter of the fifteenth century , though it survived for the greater obsequies .
23 After going out to inspect the works already projected , he could only suggest a still further-out ditch to be dug , in the rock , for the greater distancing of cannon and balista .
24 This was why , for the greater part of her education , she had been sent off to a small private boarding-school , where Harriet liked to feel that the company of contemporaries compensated for all that was lacking in her home environment .
25 Nationalism , yes , but not narrow : what Burke meant by ‘ the little platoon ’ , and a modern writer in small being beautiful , for the greater the overall unit ( and the Common Market was then looming ) , the greater the necessity for autonomy within that unit , if those being governed were still to feel in touch with those governing .
26 Difficult to get the old fire up for the Greater Glory of flag , Empire and Prime Minister Ian Paisley , but hearth , home and humping still meant something in this godrotten hellhole khazipit of a world .
27 ‘ And as a little girl , ’ the faintest shadow of a smile touched her face , ‘ I was always naughty and disobedient , and so , under Father 's guidance , I learned to control myself — all my emotions — for the greater good of serving the Lord .
28 It meant the acquisition of knowledge , to be sure ; but it also meant the envelopment and direction of the Orient by Spanish adelantados , for the greater glory and expansion of the vast empire of Spain .
29 Again , if only one prisoner turns in the other for the greater crime , the cops will drop the lesser charge against the stool pigeon , who will go free .
30 In what circumstances , if any , ought Iran to befriend the lesser enemy in order to make matters worse for the greater one ?
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