Example sentences of "[prep] [art] lives " in BNC.

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1 He said the killings had shaken some members of Panama 's Defence Force , but that in the aftermath of the uprising , when suspicion of complicity ran wide , no one was prepared to plead for the lives of the coup plotters .
2 This is intriguing , for the lives of Besant ( 1847-1933 ) and Webb ( 1859-1943 ) are comparable in interesting ways .
3 It was one of CI5 's many ‘ dirty tasks ’ to afford protection for the lives of exiles , visitors from repressive Governments , and the representatives of Governments with which Britain maintained the most reluctant and tenuous of diplomatic relations .
4 ‘ Twelve women were driven to injure themselves out of fear for the lives of their husbands or loved ones .
5 This shall be yours for life and for the lives of any children you may happen to have .
6 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
7 There are all kinds and levels of faith but only one God who will accept or reject us for the lives we live today .
8 Shelter 's latest research shows that social work departments have had responsibility at some time for the lives of more than a third of all homeless people .
9 Despite being safe they are all fearful for the lives of their menfolk .
10 As the lives of animals and plants are clearly influenced profoundly by topography , climate , and weather , the movements of water are clearly of profound ecological significance .
11 They are about the lives of women in Bengal .
12 If there could be more attempts like this to show mentally handicapped lives in their normality , rather than in a sensational way , the media could play a major role in helping the public to understand more about the lives that handicapped people lead ; that they are not all anguish and broken dreams , but often constructive , fulfilling and as life enhancing as anyone else 's .
13 On a hundred occasions I have idled similarly in a deserted croft in the Highlands of Scotland and wondered about the lives that had been lived in it .
14 ‘ Promiscuous , public and semi-professional ’ , it said in one of Madame 's books about the lives of the great courtesans , and I think that 's about it .
15 We have even constructed elaborate theories to make us feel better about the lives older people lead .
16 A report , issued in 1981 about the lives of older people and discharged hospital patients who live in boarding houses , led to the publication of a full list of the elements which should be enshrined in any code of practice .
17 It was not until the twentieth century that visual artists started to look into the landscape of the Highlands and Islands and try to say something about the lives of the people that lived through those times .
18 In the indoor galleries a range of exhibitions and audio visual presentations provide background information about the lives and experiences of the thousands of other Ulster-American emigrants and the part they played in the birth and growth of the United States .
19 Each line speaks volumes about the lives of the real people ( in the first two instances ) and the characters ( in the third example ) involved , and if ever you feel in need of a cure for insomnia just memorize one of these quotations , take it to bed with you , and try to imagine the events that could have preceded and followed the moment described in each of the brief extracts .
20 If the lives of gay men are undervalued , how about the lives of homeless black and Hispanic people who shoot up drugs ?
21 We reproduced articles on Women 's Tapeover which spoke about the lives of lesbians .
22 ‘ I am really concerned about the lives of my brethren here and also really concerned even greater about the lives of all those in this world . ’
23 ‘ I am really concerned about the lives of my brethren here and also really concerned even greater about the lives of all those in this world . ’
24 Watching birds is only the enjoyable tip of the study of ornithology : protection , population studies , learning about the lives of individual birds , including the study of migration , are just a few of the many other facets .
25 Secondly , there are facts about the lives of men and women and the systematic ways in which their lives differ , which it would be unwise to overlook .
26 Later , he complained : ‘ The whole row is based on a false assumption : that as readers we need to be protected from the disappointing facts about the lives of writers , if we are to continue to admire their work .
27 But there is a danger that the current reforms will leave untouched fundamental assumptions about the lives and needs of service users .
28 Secondly , when readers complain about the lives of writers — why did n't he do this ; why did n't he protest to the newspapers about that ; why was n't he more involved in life ? — are n't they really asking a simpler , and vainer , question : why is n't he more like us ?
29 We pray for the leaders of the world , in government , in trade and in industry , as they control the sources of employment and guide in decisions about the lives of individuals .
30 Although a reasonable amount of material is available about the lives of these two men , nothing is known about their Muftiliks beyond the bare statement that they did hold the office ; and it is consequently impossible to make assumptions with any assurance about the nature of their Muftiliks .
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