Example sentences of "[prep] [art] beginning " in BNC.

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1 Taken in by the image of yourself they present you with , wrote Harsnet , instead of waiting in patience for the beginning , instead of waiting and then beginning , though beginning , having begun , he wrote , is not everything , is far from everything .
2 He cleared his head of false sensation and searched for the beginning .
3 The term formative is fairly obvious for the beginning of a development process so , also , the term expansion for the next stage .
4 He was always looking for the beginning of something , and he had the energy of someone starting their career .
5 But they gave him their support , none the less , and the first issue , containing political reports , original essays , poetry , and reviews , was announced for the beginning of March , the aim of the publication being , as Coleridge modestly explained , ‘ to proclaim the State of the Political Atmosphere , and preserve Freedom and her Friends from the attacks of Robbers and Assassins ! ! ’
6 The world of parliamentary publications in Britain is a daunting one for the beginning researcher , but the range of information available from governmental and quasi-governmental sources is so vast that no researcher dare ignore it .
7 The Tour has rested at Bordeaux many times , but this is the first time that the caravan has used Nogent-sur-Oise for the beginning of a day 's racing .
8 Beta versions are out next quarter with general availability slated for the beginning of next year .
9 DDE is also reported to be working on a SuperMax system based on the multi-processing version of the R4000 for the beginning of next year .
10 Eventually a further final , concurrent budget resolution has to be voted on and submitted for the president 's signature , theoretically in time for the beginning of the financial year on 1 October .
11 He had , in fact , been preparing for an operation to remove his hernia , which had been scheduled for the beginning of January , but because of his winter illnesses it was postponed until the summer .
12 1883 began in crisis , for Hamilton was taken seriously ill , and the Governors had to make special arrangements , both to have the School opened for the beginning of term and to arrange a substitute master .
13 It was discovered that the peat only began to grow after the site was abandoned and a radiocarbon date for the beginning of this growth gave about 1000 BC .
14 For the beginning of that document almost .
15 The central question regarding the proposed expansion of the Community thus remains that of whether it will provide the impetus for closer integration or for the beginning of a Europe ‘ à la carte ’ .
16 Of course , if she had been going to get there in time for the beginning , she should have rushed back straight away , out upset at such times was the very worst thing for her mother and it would upset her to think that Peony wanted to go out immediately she 'd got in .
17 We drive into Denver ten minutes late for the beginning of the show .
18 Shall I buy you a skirt for the beginning of term ?
19 In time for the beginning of the new academic year , WWF has produced a new education catalogue .
20 The agreement came only 10 hours before the deadline for the beginning of the new fiscal year , after which automatic spending cuts triggered by the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit reduction law would have become operational .
21 Taking ( 7.4 ) for the end of the year and dividing by ( 7.4 ) for the beginning of the year gives or or where = inflation rate in the UK , = inflation rate in the USA .
22 He went directly from Worms to Chalon-sur-Saône : Louis had summoned a host there for the beginning of September .
23 There was a whole lot of other stuff scheduled for the beginning of the second millennium : green rain , black snow , animals learning to talk and a heck of a lot of red-hot hail .
24 As to the prospects of a resumption of oil exports by Iraq , Baghdad 's State Oil Marketing Organization ( SOMO ) forecast this for the beginning of the third quarter of 1991 .
25 ‘ No amount of holiday can compensate for the beginning of the autumn term , ’ Andrew answered gloomily .
26 Er , how are you fixed for the beginning of next month ? or the week after that ?
27 Supposing we was over there in America for the beginning of July I could n't go .
28 I thought this was quite a plus actually , because we were able to get away with murder during the beginning , in some ways doing things that on paper looked very expensive but in reality balanced out over the year we were scheduled . ’
29 You may notice during the beginning of Stage I that you experience some withdrawal symptoms as a direct result of giving up certain foods and drinks that you usually consume .
30 The police arrived during the beginning of Act Four , set in ‘ the hole under the ground ’ .
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