Example sentences of "[prep] [art] rate " in BNC.

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1 Note that since the Retail Price Index is published monthly , it is possible to derive a monthly series for the rate of inflation .
2 In Marx 's view there are also longer-term threats to the survival of capitalism , especially through the tendency for the rate of profit to fall .
3 This was done by regressing the natural logarithm of volatility on maturity ( M t ) , a weekend dummy ( D t ) and a proxy for the rate of information arrival .
4 The proxy for the rate of information arrival ( volume or spot volatility ) had a positive effect on all measures of volatility , as predicted , particularly when spot volatility was used as the proxy .
5 This suggests that , when explaining volatility , the inclusion of a proxy for the rate of information arrival affects the estimation of the coefficient on maturity .
6 Board and Sutcliffe regressed the natural logarithm of daily volume on maturity ( M t - ; ) , a weekend dummy ( D t ) and a proxy for the rate of information arrival .
7 The initial rate of expansion also would have had to be chosen very precisely for the rate of expansion still to be so close to the critical rate needed to avoid recollapse .
8 It can be seen clearly by considering the expression for the rate of discount above .
9 We went for the rate of inflation , and that is what the Sports Council got .
10 Fixed scales for the rate at which fees would be paid excluded hardly anyone ; as a result parents who were comparatively poor suddenly found themselves liable for fees .
11 His figures for the rate of accumulation of geoscience literature are quoted from Menard .
12 The CIs for the rate ratios were calculated by means of a formula for determining the confidence interval of the ratio of two normal means .
13 He singled out for special criticism two specific objectives which had figured so prominently in the application of Keynesian ideas : ( a ) the notion that the proper focus of attention for monetary policy was the attainment of targets for the rate of interest as opposed to targets for the supply of money ; ( b ) that demand management policies could be adjusted in such a way as to achieve a target combination of inflation and unemployment which was sustainable indefinitely .
14 Targets for the rate of growth of the money supply should be announced and , once announced , should be strictly adhered to .
15 The authorities should adopt a rule for the rate of growth of the money supply and should stick by it .
16 Given this , it is no longer possible for the rate of interest to ensure equality between planned saving and planned investment and so Say 's Law will no longer hold .
17 National Savings Certificates are paying a miserable 7.5 per cent tax free and no one should be holding any certificates which have reached maturity as the rate paid under general extension terms is only 5.1 per cent .
18 It is important to remember that other factors may affect the platelet-aggregate ratio such as the rate at which blood is drawn through the sampling needle ( Rohrer et al , 1978 ) .
19 As Jones comments , ‘ possible variables such as the rate of development of community services , the aging of the population , economic uncertainty , and the limits of public tolerance , were mentioned , but were not weighted into the predictions ’ .
20 From 1967 the grant was known as the rate support grant ( RSG ) and contained three elements described by Bennett as follows :
21 This is not an exact method as the rate of fading is determined by the length of time a rug has been exposed to the light and by the intensity of the light source .
22 One is the number of people committed to prison in any one year ( referred to as the rate of imprisonment or number of prison receptions ) ; the second is the length of sentence actually imposed by the courts ; and the third ( over which the courts have no direct control ) is the operation of the various forms of executive release , such as parole ( and , formerly , remission ) , which we will be looking at in Chapter 6 .
23 The rate of formation of bone was calculated as the rate of mineral apposition × ( half the surface single labelled with demeclocycline+all the double labelled surface ( expressed as a percentage of the total surface ) ) .
24 As the rate of vertical transmission in Europe is 14.4% only a small number of these children are themselves infected with HIV .
25 In addition to clear definitions of energy , power as the rate at which energy flows , and efficiency which is any ratio of energy flows , Odum and Odum ( 1976 ) propose three principles of energy flows ; the law of conservation of energy ; the law of degradation of energy which introduces entropy as a measure of technical disorder to signify the extent to which energy is unable to do work ; and the principle that systems which use energy best survive , which is the maximum power principle or minimum energy expenditure principle .
26 Measured as the rate at which fluids pass through cores of the rock or a bed of sand , the permeability is calculated according to Darcy 's Law and the unit relevant in most natural sediments in the millidarcy .
27 N ( d 1 ) may be interpreted as the rate of change of the option price divided by the rate of change of the share price .
28 While there is no doubt that ROM can cause oxidative DNA damage leading to base changes , strand breaks , and enhanced expression of proto-oncogenes , and that oxidative stress can induce malignant transformation in cell culture , the relation between these observations and the development of malignancy in vivo is more complex and will depend on other factors such as the rate of damage , antioxidant defences , DNA repair mechanisms , and the necessity for multiple steps ( initiation , promotion , and progression ) .
29 Thus in Figure 17.3(b) , the supply of bills on offer by the discount houses to the Bank falls as the rate of rediscount rises ( the supply curve of bills by the discount houses is upward sloping ) .
30 The extent to which genes within a family are similar to one another ( that is , the degree of homogeneity in a family ) depends upon a balance between the rate of homogenisation , the rate of mutation and the selective forces that also act on the family .
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