Example sentences of "[prep] [art] level " in BNC.

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1 The problem , surely , is to find a satisfactory starting-point for the level of sentences .
2 It could therefore be argued that as the districts were neither fully responsible nor fully accountable for the level of poll tax paid by their residents , electors would find it hard to make a judgement on the performance of their own authority based solely on that criterion .
3 Thirdly it is seen that a policy of specialism may demand either full-time paid advisers or volunteers with at least two days a week spare to allow for the level of training and continuity that specialist work demands .
4 We do not see the need for the level to be higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics .
5 There is much concern in schools and local education authorities for the speed of implementation of the programme , about the need to protect the educational entitlement of all young people during the period of implementation and for the level of resources being made available during the period of change .
6 The schools particularly appreciated the supportive feedback , which was almost unanimous in its expressions of surprise for the complex nature and weight of responsibility of schools , of admiration for the skill and commitment of staff , and of concern for the level of resourcing .
7 Is it suitable for the level of the work ?
8 Estimates for the level of under-reporting suggest that the actual level of injury was three times this number .
9 All abseilers should be members of the British Abseil Association , abide by its rules , and hold the appropriate award for the level of abseiling being undertaken .
10 Michael Brookes of Nomura and Peter White of Midland Bank did the same , using one of the Big Four for Board-level work and a specialist firm such as Baines Gwinner for the level beneath .
11 Indeed , they provide a more likely explanation for the level of employment than the work ethic — i.e. necessity is the motivator .
12 Even with evidence for the level of wealth in each building , this could imply that the village society was led by a single chief , who lived in the biggest house in the centre of the village , or that the village was run by a council of all the members of the village , who built a large central hall in which to hold their meetings .
13 Type B nonprofit organizations have no market test for the level of services provided .
14 ‘ appropriate provisions for participation by that state or its nationals as owners of ships flying its flag or in the ownership of such ships and for the level of that participation .
15 Using one minus the proportion of the workforce holding unskilled , semi-skilled or clerical jobs as a proxy for the level of skill of the workforce , Table 3.12 suggests that , at least with fixed-term contract workers , employers ' behaviour is as expected — establishments with a highly skilled labour force are less likely to use temporary workers .
16 The general conclusion of these analyses was that unemployment and imprisonment were related , in the sense that , after controlling statistically for the level of crime and numbers convicted , an increase in the level of unemployment led , on average , to an increase in the numbers incarcerated .
17 if , during a dictation practice , the majority of students have an abnormally high number of spelling errors , one might infer that the teacher has either dictated too fast or chosen a passage too difficult for the level of that class .
18 Thus , competitive equilibrium models , with all markets clearing , have been used to investigate the incidence of different taxes , whereas a quite separate literature , using aggregate demand/monetary models , has examined the implications of taxes for the level of employment and the rate of inflation .
19 The South African government was unanimously condemned for the level of violence in the country and delegates called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to debate the issue [ see also p. 38990 ] .
20 The South African government was unanimously condemned for the level of violence in the country and delegates called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to debate the issue [ see also p. 38990 ] .
21 I 've also , it 's worthwhile me recording my gratitude to the regions for the level of cooperation that 's been extended in this programme .
22 The bureaucrat will attempt to acquire a budget in excess of what is required for the level of output indicated by the equation of marginal cost and political demand .
23 The proposed specification for the level II qualification is based on core skill and other mandatory modules .
24 Candidates for the level II award will take four mandatory core skills modules , plus one personal and interpersonal skills module from a choice of six .
25 Literacy rates among artisans and shopkeepers was much higher : 80 per cent or more would seem a reasonable approximation for the level reached by the late seventeenth century and persisting through most of the eighteenth century .
26 Okay , ninety , ninety-five per cent of the premium is actually paying for the level of cover .
27 There is an error in chart 4 of your survey ; starting from the same initial point , the curve representing the traditional view of the value of a firm should rise initially and then fall , as the level of debt increases .
28 By analysing this concept it is possible to suggest four alternative decision-making systems that vary as the level of assumptions built into the information system increases .
29 The work of philosophy had been completed , it was claimed , by Marxist theory 's recognition of the material base as the level of determination .
30 What is more difficult to predict into the middle of the next century is the proportion of the total population that this older group will constitute , because that depends upon the birth-rate , and the latter , if past experience is anything to go on , shifts unpredictably with transient social circumstances — such as the level of unemployment or whether or not there is a war — as well as with unstable social attitudes to child-bearing and the age at which it is thought suitable for women to bear children .
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