Example sentences of "[adj] call [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Officially he does , General , but for the purposes of his private life he has a small apartment , a flat as the English call it .
2 Some call me ruthless .
3 Some call me Laz , ’ I added .
4 Some call me Laz . ’
5 Some call me , well , Rex , I suppose . ’
6 ‘ Woodbine , fella , the name 's Lazlo Woodbine , some call me — ’
7 ‘ The Tsarina Catherine … some call her the Great , like Peter . ’
8 ‘ Meadow hay ’ is made from permanent pasture containing a large proportion of indigenous meadow-grasses , clovers , and herbs ( some call them weeds ) .
9 A second Cromwell , some call him . ’
10 Some call him Nobski , others claim he 's just a cartoon , a caricature of damaging black stereotypes .
11 Some call him a good bread-and-butter player , but he has not apparent weaknesses .
12 Some call him Laz . ’
13 Some call him mad .
14 Some people call him Hagarth and some people call him Haygarth and some call him erm Haygar some people call him Hagge or all that lot .
15 ‘ And some call you Laz ? ’
16 The sound itself is difficult to describe — some call it a grunt or a rattle , but however you describe it , once heard the noise is unforgettable .
17 " Your grandfather might have heard it called the felty , or the pigeon felty or even the blue felty — and I think some call it fell fo ! "
18 Some call it Democracy
19 Philip claims that this is a domain as yet unexplored by psychoanalysis , and he suggests that possibly this is just as well : ‘ Some call it truth , some creation , some fiction , history , memory or mere jingling of bells .
20 A weakness in me , some call it .
21 When Newcastle won the Fairs Cup there was a song that began ‘ Some call us Newcastle United , most call us the kings of the land , and here 's to Bobby Moncur , the Fairs Cup in his hand …
22 It was a late Easter and the daffodils , or ‘ lilies ’ as the Cornish call them , were in full bloom .
23 The continuous types are usually described and listed as perpetual flowering , whereas the intermittent types are called recurrent , repeat flowering or , as the French call them , remontant ( see also page 17 ) .
24 We call them " collaborators " but the Annamese who do n't want anything to do with the French call them the " licensed pirates . "
25 Rising from the saddle , cycling en danseuse as the French call it and in the less elegant English term ‘ honking ’ , the coureurs change their position , holding the brake levers in this sort of effort , then after a while return to the saddle .
26 Shortly after Chaptal 's publication a few Champagne manufacturers began to add the sugar , not at the time of pressing , but immediately prior to bottling in order to promote the second fermentation or , as the French call it , the prise de mousse .
27 Champagne 's harvest must therefore reach a reasonable level of ripeness and as the ripening process , or véraison the French call it , increases the sugar content , the high degree of acidity necessary for these wines is important only in ratio to the sugar content .
28 The chateau was like many of its kind , stained by war here and there when the English ( or the Goddamns , as the French call us ) had tried to conquer Northern France , nothing remarkable .
29 They all call 'im The Butcher . "
30 That 's why they all call him Coconut at school . ’
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