Example sentences of "[adj] across the " in BNC.

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1 You can then make your own form of secondary double glazing by buying some heavy-duty clear plastic sheeting and stretching this across the inside of the window frame .
2 Spread this across the surface of the slide with the other cover-glass , and view as soon as possible .
3 Fine moondust billowed high across the ancient plains of the moon 's dark crescent , expanding in boiling clouds that went high enough to catch the rays of the sun .
4 An island divides the canal as it prepared to turn onto its most dramatic section , the kilometre long embankment which runs high across the Tame Valley , now accompanied by the Midland Links motorway , the triangle where the end of the M5 meets the M6 , a unique canal environment .
5 Two bridges pass high across the cutting .
6 One horse died instantly , its guts flung red and wet across the road .
7 Since 7 January the 2nd Shock Army , the southernmost element of the Front , had been playing its part in the general Soviet counter-offensive by pushing northwards north-east of Novgorod , trying to pinch off the deep German salient across the Lovat River between Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen , and thus to help relieve Leningrad .
8 The membership of the Association totals more than 700 across the country .
9 The sea was emerald green , crested snow-white , and the water was myriad-coloured ; reflecting golden sandy shallows , with shades from green hills and blue skies shimmering across the surface .
10 It must have been lucky to escape the sickles , he mused , as he watched its clumsy struggling across the cut stalks .
11 The termly style of teaching is also used for non-modular courses and staffing of both types of courses is easier across the Polytechnic when all courses use the same pattern .
12 An emerald green leather footstool stands demurely by the fire ; a fakir 's brass sideboard from northern India gleams dimly against a wall ; two porcelain skunks chase one another across the landing ; a unique collapsible divan-cum-four-seater sofa edged in cadmium velvet welcomes you to the front room ; a vast oil portrait of a nineteenth-century munitions tycoon , casts a genial glow over the hall .
13 You have given me a seat where poets of all times bring their tribute , and lovers with deathless names greet one another across the ages .
14 Shadows and sunlight race about inside the confined cockpit while reflections of white and blue chase one another across the mirror-shiny canopy as we describe the laziest of barrel rolls .
15 Later , they sat facing one another across the red chenille tablecloth , the teacups in their hands , and Louisa said with the ghost of a smile , ‘ It 's good to see you , Ruth .
16 He scuttled off to fetch it , leaving them to face one another across the table .
17 A soft November swell has set the tables rattling metallically at one another across the bar .
18 They stood far apart , facing one another across the field , without a word , without a single movement for a long while .
19 Two rivals glared at one another across the ramp .
20 There was a silence as they glared at one another across the coffee-table .
21 They studied one another across the dimly lit living-room .
22 system is constantly being updated and is available on-line across the University 's own computer network as well as via JANET and the national and international networks ; the Main Library 's older guard-book catalogue , which also contains many entries for material in the Faculty Libraries , is available on microfiche .
23 The low angle means that all shadows — ours , the dogs ' , the trees ' — are long and ghostly across the ice , and the orange light wraps itself around everything so that all things seem to be part of one thing .
24 Originally the Galloway type was dominant in southwest Scotland ; the breed was formed more specifically towards the end of the sixteenth century and was already popular across the border in the seventeenth century for fattening in large numbers .
25 The curtains were not drawn half across the window and so closing out the light as most curtains were wont to do , but were wide apart showing , of all things , a piece of grassland parched by the sun but , nevertheless , still giving evidence that it was grass by the strip in the shadow of the house .
26 When you have travelled half across the world , with the background of the man you are going to meet gradually being filled in for you , a picture of him inevitably forms in the mind .
27 ‘ And a gardener-handyman , ’ said Charlotte , her eyes following the vigorous heave and surge of the mole-brown water as it tore down past them and ripped at the curve of the bank , lipping half across the trodden right of way .
28 It remains quite clear across the years , the topography absolutely plain , so precise in details of dress that I can use them to place the dream in historical time .
29 She could see clear across the water to the smashed dome of the Pleasure Gardens at New Brighton .
30 Then , in an industry that considers two-colour calling cards flashy , it was hard not to notice the earnest young men and women with the L Ron Hubbard given mission to evangelise about Dianetics , or stunt rider Eddie Kidd , who is carrying self-confidence to the point of leap-frogging his motor cycle clear across the Great Wall of China .
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