Example sentences of "[adj] position [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These are not demanding plants , preferring a light position out of scorching sunlight .
2 Yet their cultural position both for contemporaries and subsequent historians was complex and again is directly relevant to any understanding of the movies .
3 It is worth making an important demand early on in the negotiations and sticking close to this position thus making the other party have to work hard to squeeze concessions out of you .
4 It 'll be years before you 're in this position again , so do n't give it up until you 're absolutely certain you 've found the place you want .
5 Many women in this position today , sharing childcare and social support with other women , meeting in mother and toddler groups , in each other 's houses , at the school gates , at the shops , are engaged in a kind of separatism .
6 They have taken this position not because they are resistant to change , but because they believe that these proposals will politicise the British Police Service and they are in my view entirely right to have that view .
7 From the beginning and maintained this position rigorously to the end despite very heavy pressures .
8 Now , however , they are finding this position increasingly difficult to maintain .
9 Fig12 Your feet should be adjusted to this position immediately before you set off .
10 I have argued against this position elsewhere ( Widdowson 1979 , 1984a ) .
11 Peace with France in 1713 , the accession of George I in the following year , and the easy suppression of a revolt in Scotland of the Jacobites ( the partisans of the exiled Stuarts ) in 1715 , changed this position completely .
12 He does , however , modify this position slightly in his later writings as we shall see shortly .
13 Studies of actual usage seem to show that items placed in this position really do correlate with discourse topic , or what the participants are talking " about " , although not always in simple ways ( Duranti & Ochs , 1979 ) .
14 But given that they can have their position specified , and can interpret this position so as to form the pattern , then this provides a very powerful means of generating patterns .
15 ‘ Billy Bingham has been in this position so many times before and come up smiling .
16 One branch of the cartilaginous fish has adopted this position more or less permanently , abandoning the energy-consuming labour of perpetually beating their tail to maintain themselves in mid-water .
17 Maybe just a few more seconds and they would have fired him and he would n't be in this position now .
18 We are not plucking this position out of the air , it 's already there .
19 But it is no disrespect to enquire into the possibility that some teachers may , through no fault of their own , have reached this position prematurely , and that other , more positive options still remain open .
20 I shall discuss this position further in the next chapter .
21 This position virtually dictates a classical approach .
22 From this position gently stretch forwards for 25 counts .
23 From this position gently stretch forwards for 25 counts .
24 He added : ‘ Obviously it 's a great thrill to be top of the table with Rangers because I have n't been in this position before .
25 He is one of the two architects ever to have held this position twice , but this may have been more in recognition of his wealth and status as an MP , and for his interest in the organization of the profession , than for his abilities as an architect .
26 Obviously , an employee is free to apply for another position even with a rival of his present employer , or to find premises in which to set up a future business so long as in doing so he is not in breach of any valid express term in his employment contract : see Searle ( GD ) & Co Ltd v Celltech Ltd [ 1982 ] FSR 92 .
27 I , I wo n't take up long , much of your time , I just did n't want anyone to think that I had er given up in my old position not to be a no doubt , I believe other measures could have been taken .
28 I could imagine institutions , for example , being told to be in a different position perhaps in five years ' time or ten years ' time , and being able to do this by a variety of means , working towards it , whereas , it seems to me it 's a very much harder problem , although it 's , it 's understandable as I said in the , in the present circumstances , to actually be able to take on this properly and do a proper job of change in a time scale of perhaps one year or maybe even less than that in some cases .
29 And in 39 of the states there was a relatively unstable position where the largest ethnic group comprised less than half the population .
30 Its exposed cliff-top position also severely reduces the scope for screening through the planting of trees and shrubs .
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