Example sentences of "[adj] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The British themselves at the end of the talks conceded the pre-eminence of the Standing Group .
2 Having found a food-source in the evening , they will fly straight back to it the following morning , still guiding themselves by the sun even though it is now in the east and not the west .
3 Junior naval officers were nominally ratings , for a midshipman was a warrant officer in contrast to the army equivalents , the ensign of foot or cornet of cavalry , who enjoyed commissioned rank , but it was for that reason that the Admiralty did not monopolise first appointments in the fleet , only interesting themselves in appointments at the rank of lieutenant or above .
4 Outside they prostrate themselves on wooden prayer beds .
5 ‘ Our young people have no idea of discipline or subordination ’ , said Dr Young , ‘ They would not subordinate themselves to anybody ’ , and before the same committee E. T. Campagnac and C. E. B. Russell recounted a similar state of affairs in Manchester .
6 All the world knows that the Mohammedans , following the example of their master , Mohammed , are very licentious ; wherefore the men among them do not content themselves with a few wives , but seek every method of gratifying themselves in this particular .
7 When overtures were received from the Czech resistance movement Vlasov was persuaded to allow his men to aid the anti-communist uprising in Prague on 7 May 1945 , in the vain hope of ingratiating themselves with the allies , and of winning sanctuary from an independent Czech government .
8 Much of the material has been found in recent years in synagogues , many themselves in poor states of repair or inaccessible to scholars as they are now in private hands .
9 Not that United disgraced themselves in any way at all , they matched Spurs ball for ball and played some delightful football and an awful lot of courage ; they were two nil down when they pulled it back to two one , they were three one down when they pulled it back to three two .
10 The French came again , but concerned themselves with piracy rather than invasion , burning Rye and Winchelsea in 1448 .
11 The Birmingham School has dealt only with formal discourse , and with large structures which become evident after the event ; the ethnomethodologists have eschewed these large structures and concerned themselves with local transitions and only with casual conversation .
12 Most reconciled themselves to childlessness or adopted children through official or unofficial channels ( large families often ‘ lent ’ a child to a childless couple , and there was easier access to nieces and nephews ) .
13 But he also likes this method because it appears that the famine is caused by the Irish themselves as a result of their lack of husbandry ( which confirms their savagery ) and , thus , appears a natural reward of their refusal to accept the civility of English rule .
14 Often people are unclear themselves about their motives for doing something so even if you question them you may not reveal the real motive .
15 In the shade beneath the trees he saw that the " massacred " Annamite coolies were beginning to come to life ; they untangled themselves from one another with painful slowness and staggered to their feet .
16 Glitterhouse are getting firmly back on the boil with the latest from BITCH MAGNET , who appear to have finally untangled themselves from the What Goes On fiasco .
17 Glitterhouse are getting firmly back on the boil with the latest from BITCH MAGNET , who appear to have finally untangled themselves from the What Goes On fiasco .
18 But the parishes , and the parish missions , were central to the care of souls ; and their ministers ought always to be refreshing themselves in the truths of the Christian faith , so that they do not slip ‘ into versions of it which miss its height and depth and wonder ’ ; and those ministers ought always to make room in their lives for silence and the chance of realizing their nearness to eternity .
19 The Association was founded by the deaf themselves in 1890 , on the appearance of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Deaf , Blind , etc. , which published suggestions altogether unsuited to the social , moral , intellectual , and spiritual welfare of the deaf , and it is the only association of its kind in existence in the United Kingdom .
20 1784 " The Meeting considering that there is now no Charity Schoolmaster in the Parish of Kildaltan , and Therefore the four pounds yearly for said Schoolmaster falls , and the Gentlemen of the Parish of Kildaltan having represented that they wish to have a fund for Purchasing Communion Tables & furms , and that four pounds sterl. will be necessary for that purpose , … agree to stent themselves for the sd. four pounds for this year . "
21 1775 " A plan and Estimate of a Church yeard Dyke arround the Kirk of Bowmore , amounting to ffourty four pounds one shilling and seven pence sterling , being produced , which sum Shawfield is to lay out next season , and this meeting stent themselves with the sum of twenty pounds Sterling of the said sum for this year , and agree that the rest of the said sum be stented in following years . "
22 1776 The Meeting stent themselves with the Expence of Building the Timber Bridge over the water of Duich performed by Hugh McKay £6 ; 0:0 .
23 This Meeting do hereby Stent themselves in the sum of £15 . "
24 1811 " It being known to this Meeting that two Parochial Schoolhouses are upon the way of being finished at Kilchoman and Kilmeny , and that it is proposed to build a third schoolhouse at Kildalton … stent themselves in the sum of £70 . "
25 Stent themselves in the sum of thirty pounds … in the Expectation that Shawfield will … contribute towards finishing it … "
26 1815 " The Meeting concieving it to be highly usefull that the Road from Portaskaig should be rendered complete , do willingly Stent themselves in the sum here stated . "
27 1821 " This Meeting having given due consideration to various kinds of theft committed in the Island — Resolve to stent themselves in a sum ( £20 ) … for the purpose of detecting and prosecuting such persons as may be found guilty of theft . "
28 1824 " This Meeting being impressed with the utility to the Island by the appointment of a Steamboat to ply in place of the Packet , do unanimously Stent themselves in the sum of one Hundred and ten pounds sterling for this current Year … "
29 Central Switzerland is a name used regularly by the Swiss themselves for one of their country 's major regions and it fairly well explains itself .
30 They 're DIY-ing themselves around experimental music and they 're holding it together — but only just .
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