Example sentences of "[adj] to help them " in BNC.

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1 If , as they themselves admitted , the Communists aimed at the supersession of the ILP , it was obviously dangerous and foolish to help them in their work .
2 Is the Prime Minister further aware that those men like their jobs and that , with his help , they would be able to keep them , but he is not prepared to help them ?
3 They hunt at night , and can not use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles .
4 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
5 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
6 And they took me on in nineteen thirty six to help them you see .
7 The lawyers turned to their law books to find a precedent , but there was not much to help them except perhaps Ramsey v Hartley ( 1977 ) 2 All ER 673 , described in The Journal of Business Law as ‘ an odd case ’ ( January 1978 at page 77 ) .
8 When world oil prices plunged in the 1980s , their leaders did little to help them adjust to the inevitable decline in living standards .
9 They were seen for one further session during which it was possible to help them reach a suitable compromise .
10 Parents need time to understand how their problems affect their children and that it is possible to help them with management issues if they work together and support each other .
11 And need as much information as possible to help them .
12 God were good , but hampered by the very technology that is supposed to help them get their message across .
13 Shipmasters long ago found that their societies are never likely to help them owing to the inevitable scattering of members and the indifference which distance begets .
14 Opening the case the prosecuting counsel claimed that Evans and Stroud had plotted to kill the couple , and they 'd hired Norman White to help them .
15 People have been shown ( 1 ) to prefer proximity to kin ( presumably , the better to help them ) , ( 2 ) to actually help their kin ( presumably in ways likely to enhance their reproductive success ) , and ( 3 ) to produce more children and grandchildren when they live close to and/or are helped by kin .
16 Even if the Russians could be dislodged from the north side of Sevastopol " , the allies would soon reach the point where their ships were unable to help them .
17 If they go away with a positive decision against starting up a tourism enterprise , Sue feels she has been able to help them avoid an expensive mistake .
18 ‘ I 'm sure there are lots of ways you 'll be able to help them enjoy their holiday , ’ said Mummy .
19 In many of the prisons , CAB sessions are geared to deal with prisoners ' pre-release anxieties and to explain how the CAB on the outside will be able to help them when they are released .
20 We shall never be able to help them unless we get power .
21 If you would like details of your nearest local group so as to be able to help them in activities such as this or to write letters on the cases that they are campaigning on behalf please contact :
22 This led the group to recall , towards the end of the meeting , how they , too , had got nowhere with work-refusing children while they constantly demanded better work from them ( thus identifying with Mr E as having known failure instead of contrasting their own better results with his , as they had done earlier ) but how they had been able to help them when they had worked on the relationship .
23 This was aimed less at the poor themselves than at those able to help them and ‘ not able to make use of Physitians and Chirurgians ’ .
24 ‘ And you 're able to help them ? ’
25 They turn up on church doorsteps in inner London hoping that the Church will be able to help them out in some way .
26 Attitudes are changing , partly because managers can see that without their involvement computer systems are unlikely to succeed , and because they believe that computer systems should be able to help them in their decision-making .
27 Thus if an expert and the parties are faced with an ambiguous or impossible procedure laid down by contract , the court may be able to help them work out what they are supposed to do .
28 What they 're actually asking for is that whether we would be able to help them by arranging for a loan on their behalf , they would service the debt at this time , so I might suggest chairman that we revert it to the finance committee for
29 Anyone who may be able to help them in their inquiries is urged to contact Stroud Police Station .
30 We 've found that we 've been able to help them er in various aspects of their life .
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