Example sentences of "[adj] to help [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But we were n't thinking about having professional people in our group — we might have a few to help us out but we 'll pick our own . ’
2 If , as they themselves admitted , the Communists aimed at the supersession of the ILP , it was obviously dangerous and foolish to help them in their work .
3 It would have made it easier to help you , and I venture the opinion that our servants feel well treated .
4 They were then prepared to help me .
5 Is the Prime Minister further aware that those men like their jobs and that , with his help , they would be able to keep them , but he is not prepared to help them ?
6 ‘ He recalled the innumerable sacrifices he has made on your behalf and reproached you for not being prepared to help him in his hour of need .
7 This is the age of service , sharing , loving and caring and the age when man must also be prepared to help himself .
8 ( 2 ) Teachers should appreciate that the staff can not do their research for them , and should be prepared to help themselves , though they will usually find the staff to be extremely helpful .
9 According to the apprentice chef , the Royal Oak is a good place to learn one 's trade — ‘ Chef knows what he 's doing and is prepared to help you , but he does n't push you too hard ’ — though the commis chef criticizes Tom for not being adventurous enough — ‘ He reckons all he has to do is to keep on producing good plain food and the customers 'll keep coming , but the fact is that it 's dull . ’
10 It is you they need , and your skills they must be prepared to help you to adapt and improve .
11 ‘ You are not prepared to help us , ’ Isabel Lavender said again , but in a cold , flat , accusatory tone , without any note of pity or pleading .
12 He 's prepared to help whoever he meets , be it a trade union leader , a consultant or a junior clerk .
13 He welcomed the endorsement by USL of OSF layered products , said that DEC 's Network Applications Support ( NAS ) services would be ported to the system by autumn of next year , along with versions for HP/UX and AIX and said that both USL and DEC would be prepared to help anybody who felt like porting Destiny to the Alpha chip .
14 To those who urged the perennial claims of the virtues of community living and quoted Ecclesiastes 4:10 " Woe to him who is alone when he falls ; for he has not another to help him up " , Rolle answered : they do not define " alone " as being " without God " but understand it to mean " without company " .
15 They hunt at night , and can not use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles .
16 No-one can say for certain whether he was right ; what can be stated with certainty is that with Italy and Germany helping the Nationalists almost from the beginning , non-intervention threw the Spanish Republic into the embrace of the only great power willing to help her — the Soviet Union .
17 I plan to donate approximately 30 items myself and a friend if willing to help me with the selling .
18 Are you willing to help me ? ’
19 Who is willing to help me ? ‘
20 He always found time to talk and would be willing to help anyone anywhere .
21 We understand you knew Angy quite well and we thought you might be willing to help us . ’
22 ‘ Who should be free to help me with the food .
23 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
24 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
25 Try to remember this feeling and more importantly , the things which helped you to relax — use this to help your patients to settle .
26 I 've got this to help it , anyway . ’
27 " We want to talk to Vietnam , " Baker said , " because we think they have influence over the Cambodian government and could use this to help us construct conditions permitting free elections . "
28 It will also provide teachers and others with the means of identifying the need for further diagnostic assessments for particular pupils where appropriate to help their educational development ;
29 And they took me on in nineteen thirty six to help them you see .
30 I 've got a lot of work to do tomorrow and I ca n't see Christian being up very early to help me .
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