Example sentences of "[adj] the matter " in BNC.

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1 That that the matter is not urgent and should be dealt with only at the receipt of a vote from Education Committee , I move A standing order A thirteen E be suspended for this meeting and B the motion and amendment be referred to the Education Committee for report without being debated at this meeting .
2 The king , however , also had reason to conciliate the Stanleys and in 1472 the matter went to arbitration .
3 The king , however , also had reason to conciliate the Stanleys and in 1472 the matter went to arbitration .
4 Angela Robinson , who runs Flickers , said she was relieved the matter was all over .
5 ‘ On 27 June 1991 the matter came before Judge Lally in the Ontario court and he adjourned the case for a week , I believe because of shortage of time , and meanwhile ordered that the child was not to be removed from the jurisdiction of the Ontario court in the interim .
6 Why , if there was anything serious the matter with you , Martha , should n't I be in constant attendance upon you ? ’
7 When one thinks about that , it becomes apparent how complex the matter is .
8 These are detectable throughout the Universe ( in low amounts ) and were produced originally by the Big Bang : the explosion that gave rise to all the matter and energy in the Universe , 15 billion years ago .
9 In a pulsar , all the matter has been completely crushed : it no longer consists of atoms , because all the protons and electrons have been jammed together to form neutrons .
10 a ‘ Big Crunch ’ as all the matter in the Universe converges to a single point
11 Estimating the mass of all the matter in the Universe is not an easy task but , in the past few years , many scientists have devoted a great deal of time to it .
12 It is not material whether he hath a court or no ; all the matter is , whether he hath a jurisdiction ; if he hath conusance of the matter and person , and he gives a sentence , it must have some effect to make a vacancy , be it never so wrong .
13 A great BANG , and all the matter of the Universe — all the stuff-must have come hurtling out .
14 It is n't that all the matter in the Universe started off from one particular point in space and then kept on expanding into the rest of the space .
15 Because of all the matter in it , there will be this general kind of curvature .
16 We 've counted up all the matter we can see , and there 's not enough — only about one tenth what is needed to close the Universe . ’
17 Thus , if all the infinities in supergravity turn out to cancel each other out , we could have a theory that not only filly unifies all the matter particles and interactions , but that is complete in the sense that it does not have any undetermined renormalization parameters .
18 He claimed that space-time had an inbuilt tendency to expand , and this could be made to balance exactly the attraction of all the matter in the universe , so that a static universe would result .
19 All the matter in the star will be compressed into a region of zero volume , so the density of matter and the curvature of space-time become infinite .
20 Aristotle believed that all the matter in the universe was made up of four basic elements , earth , air , fire , and water .
21 We have evidence from cosmic rays that the same is true for all the matter in our galaxy : there are no antiprotons or antineutrons apart from a small number that are produced as particle/antiparticle pairs in high-energy collisions .
22 If all the matter in the universe were turned into monkey flesh , we still could n't get enough monkeys .
23 The Bank has agreed to consider all the matter raised by the IBOA and a further meeting is to be held in the immediate future .
24 [ 4.2 If by the Certificate Date the parties have been unable to agree whether any requirement of the Landlord made pursuant to clause 4.1 is reasonable the matter or matters in dispute shall be referred to a counsel to be agreed upon between the parties or failing agreement within [ 5 ] working days after the Certificate Date to one of the conveyancing counsel for the time being of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice [ " Counsel " ] to be nominated on the application of either party by the President for the time being of the Law Society ( or his duly appointed deputy or any other person authorised by him to make appointments on his behalf ) and Counsel shall :
25 The Foreign Office said today its raised the matter at the highest level with the Nepalese authorities .
26 There was little or no difference in technical quality between the systems , and as far as we are concerned the matter can be decided on price .
27 He had hoped that the affair of the dog and the death of the Zikr were isolated instances , that with the death of those responsible the matter could end there .
28 ‘ I am happy the matter is finished , ’ said Hendry last night .
29 The denser the matter , the more curvature and the greater the chance of having a universe that closes back on itself . ’
30 The earliest the matter can be raised again is in January when the new Congress returns , and although if the benefit is reintroduced it may well be retroactive to1 January , potential donors are biding their time for the moment .
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