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1 In many ways 1993 marks the end of this pattern , but it may take the whole of the year to do so .
2 1993 marks the start of an ambitious new preventative health care programme which aims to stem the spread of malaria and AIDS , and SIDT is pinning its hopes for a healthy future on the villagers , whose only option is preventative health care .
3 1993 marks the commencement of full integration of EC member states and many construction graduates are considering , for the first time , the prospect of a long-term career in Europe .
4 This marks the site of the Chapel of St Matthew built by Kaňka but only in existence until the 1790s .
5 This marks the onset of the layette season .
6 For the whole community this marks the return of infections and , for many , a premature death .
7 It is not yet clear though whether this marks the beginning of a sustained upturn or an aberrant blip on the graph .
8 This marks the end of stage one of an ambitious plan to mark on to Carrog by 1993/4 and , finally Corwen by 1995/6 .
9 This marks the site of one of the Admiralty 's measured nautical miles .
10 This marks the Royal Mail 's commitment to the environment .
11 Perhaps this marks the single biggest difference between Marxist Socialism , and Empirical Socialism as it is now practised .
12 ‘ We believe this marks the beginning of a new phase in the history of the Gulf of Mexico , ’ he added .
13 This marks the approval record in each module , with the caveat as part of the modification record .
14 This marks the point of her switch to London English , which is not preceded by any pause or hesitation marker : " what did you say again … what did you say ? "
15 In a speech on March 30 to mark the Moslem feast-day of Lailat al-Qadr , President Hosni Mubarak made more direct criticism than previously of " religious fanaticism " which had strayed from the correct teachings of Islam , and " ethnic fanaticism " ( the latter an allusion to attacks against Coptic Christians ) .
16 From my vantage-point I could see exactly where the accident had happened , about sixty yards from the summit , as the cops had left a portable barrier with yellow flashing lights on top to mark the spot .
17 Animals , infants , and deviant adults are said to see , hear , smell and so on , in those special circumstances , where we feel impelled to mark the similarity of their behaviour to that of human beings situated likewise whilst allowing for the inability to describe what they perceive .
18 Halstead Rotaract treasurer Emma Samms said : ‘ We thought we would do something different to mark the 25th anniversary of Rotaract . ’
19 A ceremony was held on Feb. 2 to mark the formal handing back to Nicaragua of 17 Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles , out of a shipment of 28 sent to the FMLN by officers in the Nicaraguan army [ see p. 37956 ] .
20 Work by Newhaven based professional artists plus selection of photographs by guest artist Charlotte Macpherson , whose work will be featured in 1993 to mark the opening of a new gallery in Newhaven
21 Because the 1830s marked the translation of much of the rural population- and with it the problem of housing the poor-from the country into the cities , Dorothea 's second , more satisfactory marriage to Will Ladislaw seems symbolic : she turns her attention , one assumes , from rural to urban housing , as he does his from pictures to politics .
22 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
23 All this marked the start of a dreadful year for Hollywood .
24 This marked the completion of the country 's largest industrial project , costing some $2 billion , the Bintulu LNG project and over the next 20 years five Malaysian LNG tankers will be built .
25 The importance of this discovery can not be over-estimated , for through it I was led on to the further discovery of the Primary Control of the workings of all the mechanisms of the human organisms , and this marked the first important stage of my investigation .
26 This marked the only occasion when a sequel won a Best Picture Academy Award and led to an ill-advised third instalment in 1991 .
27 This marked the site of Thira Village , the only settlement of any size on the island .
28 When Norman recruited Sir Ian McGregor , this marked the first time in Britain that a nationalised industry chief had been appointed through executive search .
29 The other was Vasiliki ware ; this marked the end of the pattern burnish technique and the beginning of a new finish , a reddish-brown wash deliberately applied unevenly in order to simulate the mottled texture of the stone vases that were at that time so fashionable in eastern Crete ( Figure 32C ) .
30 The exchanges in the Joint Commission again ended in deadlock and this marked the termination of the discussions set in train at the Moscow conference .
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