Example sentences of "[adj] expect [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Few expect change while Erich Honecker remains leader .
2 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
3 We would be foolish to expect leaders not to make any mistakes .
4 It was accepted from the outset of the study that it would be unrealistic to expect changes to be made overnight , and that a gradual evolution to the desired state would be necessary .
5 It may be that with a rent well into six figures it is unrealistic to expect directors to give guarantees and therefore the following amendment may be considered appropriate :
6 Thus , it would be unrealistic to expect officials to be responsive to the market when their traditional activity has been conditioned by the need to follow statutes .
7 ‘ It is totally unrealistic to expect trainees to survive on that , ’ Mr Hanson said .
8 Nevertheless , it is unrealistic to expect clients always to seek advice on these matters from sources other than the building designer , and a basic knowledge of planning law , compensation and the individual vagaries in attitudes of planning authorities is often the basis of releasing latent development value which is of tangible benefit and for which the client is prepared to pay high rewards .
9 For example , although most retail grocery advertising in the UK used to consist of lists of prices , and consumers tended to expect it to do so , it is unrealistic to expect advertising to do the major job of communicating large numbers of prices , especially promotional prices , when this can be done far better by window bills and in-store display : there are few shoppers who analyse every available grocery ad before deciding where to shop .
10 It is unrealistic to expect GPs to fund such studies , although some have been undertaken by central government ( Anderson , 1989 ) .
11 Roxborough believes it unrealistic to expect unions to play such a revolutionary role in Latin America today and predicts that with the growing economic crisis in Mexico , the unions will become more militant ( Roxborough 1984 ) .
12 It is unrealistic to expect Novell to spend money to develop Unix for the good of everybody at the expense of their own company .
13 It is unrealistic to expect Novell to spend money to develop Unix for the good of everybody at the expense of their own company . ’
14 If the utilitarian looks at it in this way , he takes it as a criterion for an acceptable use of ethical words , and way of understanding moral judgement , that it should give them a factual content which is the only one which it is sensible to expect people in general to endorse as a sensible guide to acceptable conduct .
15 It would be quite wrong to expect society to pay potential polluters ( minerals companies ) hundred of millions of pounds to compensate them for not damaging the environment .
16 It would be quite wrong to expect society to pay potential polluters ( minerals companies ) hundred of millions of pounds to compensate them for not damaging the environment .
17 While it would be wrong to expect inspectors to use observation schedules ( on the grounds that they do not allow the inspectors to keep an open mind on what they observe ) , it is quite reasonable to ask that they be explicit about the evidence collected and its basis .
18 A swift check of internal numbers , and , half expecting Moira Russell to have left ages ago , she was ringing her number .
19 He strode to the reception desk , holding her firmly at his side , and she looked fearfully round , half expecting Dana to appear .
20 She pulled them on hastily , half expecting Luke to come bursting in at any minute .
21 Claimants include families of the 95 soccer fans killed in the 1989 Hillsborough disaster — some expecting cheques this week .
22 Nor would such a study have been given permission by the RUC , for it is utopian to expect police authorities in divided societies to open up these sections of their force to scrutiny and observation by outsiders .
23 If the Revenue is unwilling to publish an annual list , the only practicable alternative is to base the charge on the cost of the car , since it would be burdensome to expect employers to work out this information for themselves .
24 It is too much to expect musicians to deliberately cast aside the fringe benefits of success .
25 This style of politics is common in Europe : it is not too much to expect Brian Wilson and others to accept this responsibility .
26 Yes we have obviously got problems throughout the team , and I think it was too much to expect Leeds to put in a real championship challenge .
27 But , the critic may sense , in some subject areas it is simply not appropriate to expect students to form a view of their own .
28 Was it too much expecting people to watch three times a week ?
29 It is inappropriate to act as though consensus exists ( or should exist ) over good practice , and doubly inappropriate to expect conformity to a particular version of it .
30 Any feeling of insecurity in the reader 's mind concerning this dual interpretation of unc is not so much due to the perversity of the author but is rather due to the dual role that the public at large expects x to play .
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