Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] itself " in BNC.

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1 In the ignominious collapse of the grand scheme the two separated , each to accommodate itself to the developing capitalist system , each to find its own way forward within the system and as part of it .
2 Now admittedly , the T four bacterial is a very simple organism , it ca n't leap about so it does n't need senses or a brain to direct it , or muscles or anything like that , it ca n't repair itself or change itself once it 's been made , therefore it does n't need to digest food , er to , to have an immune system or anything like that to repair itself or put itself to rights , it does n't need anything like that .
3 Far away we can hear the noise of the wind forcing its way up some narrow gully then bursting free to hurl itself across the plateau we crossed yesterday .
4 MORAL panic is one of the more enduring items on the domestic cultural menu and in a month of fatal stabbings , horrific child murder and economic gloom , society seems once again all too willing to frighten itself to death .
5 Alas , poor country , almost afraid to know itself . ’
6 The UK was prepared to set itself the " very demanding target " of stabilizing total UK emissions of CO2 at 1990 levels by 2005 as part of " a wide international effort , with a fair distribution of the burden " , and " provided others are ready to take their full share " .
7 Now it wo n't cure all the problems I 'm pretending that it will , but if we were to have proper seats , proper microphones , electronic voting I believe that it would show symbolically that the House of Commons was prepared to modernize itself and start doing a proper job in our democracy rather than the farce and the theatre which frankly turns so many people off in modern Britain .
8 They gave even better against the paramilitary organisations and political groupings of the majority British population which is as instinctively law-abiding as that of any other part of the United Kingdom and probably even quicker to disassociate itself from senseless or politically motivated violence .
9 In the first year it had been careful to disassociate itself from the truck-driver 's pin-up image by boasting of the high social and business standing of its readers … ‘ seven corporation presidents , fourteen vice-presidents , psychiatrists , a mortician and three embalmers ’ were listed among the first subscribers .
10 More significantly , the organisation was now free to manage itself so as to give a better service to patients .
11 Probably the adoption of the Gothic style for church schools is not so surprising when it is considered that the design of schools was a subject in which the influential Ecclesiological Society — the significant impact of whose views on church design has already been referred to — was prepared to interest itself .
12 This offered the temptation to Government to use section 2 to protect itself against potentially damaging disclosures .
13 The USSR is not prepared to expose itself in this fashion in Nicaragua .
14 Shadows enable light to manifest itself and give it objective reality , just as wisdom can only manifest itself in the face of ignorance .
15 It is time , it is thought , for English to organize itself in ways that make it more like a proper academic discipline , with clear procedures and goals .
16 If Protestantism was more Conducive than Catholicism to the expansion of science , one would expect this to manifest itself in a greater receptivity toward new and controversial ideas .
17 It denies at once the sovereignty of the State , and that more subtle doctrine by which the State is at once the master and servant of law by willing to limit itself to certain tested rules of conduct .
18 In plain language it meant that there could be no public loan unless the British Government was prepared to commit itself to severe retrenchment , including a cut of ten per cent in unemployment benefits .
19 The US government refused rebel demands for military assistance on the grounds that it would be wrong to involve itself in Iraq 's internal affairs .
20 Six Local Art Societies , Art Gallery in the Town Centre , Queensway , Billingham ( until March 14 ) IT seems to me that the ink was barely dry on my last little piece which suggested that Darlington Society of Arts seemed content to restrict itself to one exhibition per year when , all of a sudden , came news that Darlington , the CAS and Hartlepool Art Club were to join forces respectively the Hambleton , Leven and Yarm art societies to put on a joint show of their work at Billingham .
21 In an historic decision to break with Moscow , the Lithuanian Communist Party has voted by more than 5-1 to declare itself an independent party .
22 Even without Sunday racing , the sport could do much to make itself more interesting .
23 Though it had little to differentiate itself from its colleagues , apart from double ring-grips at both head and foot , its construction was more elaborate than the standard framed and panelled model — thus it was more expensive and carried a certain snob value .
24 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
25 With self-service the product had to work hard to sell itself , and it had to withstand the new phenomenon of customer handling .
26 Local legend said that the animal used these to hang itself up from a low-hanging branch of a tree at night .
27 Although theoretically the benevolent side of the dialectic was as likely to manifest itself as the malevolent , it is the nature of this sort of thinking that Mr Hyde always predominates over Dr Jekyll and lurks behind his actions like a puppeteer .
28 Although the popularity of the war economy lay at the root of the growth of socialism during the First World War , liberal internationalism was quick to reassert itself once the war was over .
29 Given the diversity of membership within both organisations , neither was likely to metamorphose itself into a different and more integrated organisation .
30 Significantly , though Hegel himself was much interested in science , especially in astronomy , his own efforts in that direction were none too successful : physical reality tended to be uncomfortably unwilling to accommodate itself to his theoretical predictions .
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