Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] pay " in BNC.

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1 Section Eleven of the Local Government Act , 1966 , provides for the only specific grant paid to local authorities solely because of the presence of ‘ New Commonwealth ’ immigrants in their areas .
2 ‘ There is no doubt as to the general rule stated in Leake on Contracts to which I have already referred , that money paid voluntarily — that is to say , without compulsion or extortion or undue influence , and , of course , I may add without any fraud on the part of the person to whom it is paid , and with knowledge of all the facts , though paid without any consideration , or in discharge of a claim not due , or a claim which might have been successfully resisted , can not be recovered back .
3 She did not think it necessary to consider whether the old rule barring recovery of money paid under mistake of law should be abolished , though had she thought it necessary to do so , she would have followed the approach of Dickson J. She considered , at p. 169 , that money paid under unconstitutional legislation was generally recoverable :
4 I would therefore hold that money paid by a citizen to a public authority in the form of taxes or other levies paid pursuant to an ultra vires demand by the authority is prima facie recoverable by the citizen as of right .
5 Yet in my view there is nothing in the authorities which precludes your Lordship 's House from laying down that money paid by way of tax following an ultra vires demand by the revenue is recoverable .
6 Thus in Mason v. New South Wales , 102 C.L.R. 108 , Dixon C.J. clearly had doubts as to whether it was right that money paid pursuant to an unlawful demand of the Crown should not be recoverable .
7 Accordingly I consider that Glidewell and Butler-Sloss L.JJ. were right to conclude that money paid to the revenue pursuant to a demand which was ultra vires can be recovered as money had and received .
8 It means that money to pay for your current fuel consumption , and towards the arrears you owe , is taken from your benefit each week and paid direct to your fuel account .
9 He had a regular mistress and he drew out that money to pay her off before he married the other one . ’
10 The hon. Gentleman must answer this question : how can he argue that it is in patients ' interests to move away from a system of competitive tendering and use that money to pay trade union members rather than to pay for extra treatment for patients ?
11 Increasing marginal tax rates on income ensure that each individual 's average tax rate , the proportion of total income paid in taxes , increases with income .
12 The Law Society today condemned Government proposals to cut legal aid eligibility and to make those on low income pay even more for essential legal help .
13 Most important , however , is the rate support grant , which accounts for around 75 per cent of the total grant paid to local authorities and is paid over to individual authorities as a block sum .
14 In the latter case , ‘ net property income from abroad ’ has to be added , where the term ‘ net property income from abroad ’ is equal to that income received by United Kingdom residents from the production of output by firms overseas minus that income paid to overseas residents from the production of output by domestic firms .
15 Each burgess paid 7d. a year and some service for his croft , men like Lambert the shoemaker and Orderic the swineherd .
16 In its origin feudalism provided for the recruitment of vitally needed cavalry troops in a society which lacked the liquid money to pay troops in cash .
17 It 's a relatively cheap sport to set up ; the pilots cost under £5,000 each and each driver pays about £30 for a session .
18 An Italian private buyer paid £11,536 for just one beaker with this design .
19 Secondly , that liability to pay can only arise if the company goes into liquidation .
20 Will that bonus pay off the house ?
21 Recollettas our Spanish investment paid off handsomely , profits more than doubled and Marker is er , the seven day a week sports paper , is now the er second biggest paper in Spain and has a higher readership than the first paper .
22 Would the promise of a complete stranger to pay a mother to maintain her illegitimate child be binding on the promisor ?
23 Israel felt emboldened to ask America for massive extra economic aid to pay for the damage caused by the state of emergency , the prolonged military alert — and the arrival of hundreds of thousands of new Soviet Jewish immigrants .
24 Each employee paid £3 to participate and was set a personal target of raising at least £10 in sponsorship , but most exceeded the target and many also paid for more than one go .
25 ‘ The rich trash pay the bills , Mr Breakspear , which lets me give my spare time away to the poor trash . ’
26 After a three-week hearing the court found in favour of Lee and ordered the Far Eastern Economic Review to pay damages of S$230,000 .
27 erm each side to pay its own costs
28 I was therefore instructed to discontinue the action on the basis that each side paid their own costs , although the Guardian had suffered a continuous reverse in their attempts to maintain the right to press freedom and to maintain secrecy about their informant .
29 Use the enclosed reply paid envelope ( no stamp needed ) .
30 Thus Southwark , which exports 70% of adults needing residential care , will not receive adequate funding to pay for future placements .
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