Example sentences of "[adj] [art] evidence " in BNC.

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1 As you construct your argument , you will be obliged to make judgements about how firmly you are committed to each of its ideas , and how strong the evidence is for believing them .
2 Not only was this the evidence of a wonderful and mysterious world in which I had no place , I was being given the chance to destroy the evidence .
3 On this the evidence is conflicting , some studies finding that take-overs were value-creating , others that target shareholder gains were more that off-set by losses to the shareholders of the acquiring companies .
4 We are compelled to weigh against this the evidence from our case studies , from the professionals interviewed and from the community care plans , that care programming makes clear demands on limited resources .
5 8.3.2 The evidence
6 5.1 The evidence of the inert gases
7 The empirical requirement is to seek , evaluate and make explicit the evidence upon which claims for particular ideas and practices advocated as policy are based .
8 By and large the evidence which Engels and his contemporaries saw as significant of the high status of women in primitive societies is often wrong or does not signify what it was believed to mean .
9 8.5.2 The evidence
10 He claims that none of the release sites have been sufficiently far from the home loft to rule out the use of such cues , except in a few cases , such as trans-Atlantic displacement , and in these the evidence of homing is very weak .
11 By choosing to take at face value all the evidence pointing to the futility of the war , and ignoring all those who believed , with patent sincerity , that they were fighting for something worthwhile against something evil , he has taken cynicism to the point of naivety .
12 The Public Service Ideal does not assume , against all the evidence , that a free market will necessarily produce political access , variety , and debate ; it insists upon mechanisms which aim directly at these goals rather than relying upon their being achieved as the accidental by-products of mechanisms whose primary function is to achieve quite different goals such as commercial profitability or proprietorial self-indulgence .
13 We need to cut back our intake of saturated fats as all the evidence indicates that these affect cholesterol levels — the strongest predictors of heart disease .
14 spreading by the blood , the bacilli become established in every part of the body and thus overcome the patient , not so much by local damage as by the great general toxaemia , which produces symptoms not unlike those of typhoid fever – irregular fever , rapid pulse , dry skin and all the evidence of raging pyrexia , leading to delirium and coma , followed almost inevitably by a fatal termination .
15 But , as producers bowdlerized the romantic stories of Marie Corelli and Hall Caine , as well as literary classics by Dickens , Thackeray and George Eliot , the resulting films were all the evidence one needed that British filmmakers had lost confidence in their own ability to find and develop stories , and exploit the medium 's potential .
16 The authority decided to wait until all the evidence was in before interviewing any officer involved in the incident .
17 At the same time he had to sound confident about the ultimate triumph of socialism , against all the evidence that it has failed .
18 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
19 He has recorded seven sittings with seven different mediums over eight years which give , he feels , all the evidence he needs .
20 All too often , what follows from it is rationalisation ; the justification of what we feel against all the evidence of our intelligence .
21 This is against all the evidence , but it is a compelling image , and one that clearly derives from this present age in our history , which now has the Shakespeare it deserves : an old , sex-obsessed vagrant in the Forest of Dean , refusing to pay his Poll Tax .
22 All the evidence is that it is overwhelmingly harmful to the patient . ’
23 In much existentialist writing the impression is given that , in order to test the believer and evoke real trust , God makes a world in which all the evidence points against Him .
24 In the same way , we should declare that we believe in the existence of God even when all the evidence is that such belief is absurd .
25 All the evidence suggests that schools are generally well-ordered places where acceptable behaviour is the norm .
26 Almost all the evidence of Modigliani 's behaviour in the years with Beatrice comes either from her or from outsiders .
27 ‘ Mr Coroner , the jury have , after very careful deliberation on all the evidence submitted to them , unanimously agreed that the evidence is too conflicting for them to definitely establish the guilt of any particular person , consequently they return a verdict of wilful murder by a person or persons unknown . ’
28 All the evidence was damning , but none more so than the cool , deliberate and detailed account of Dr Champney .
29 You have admitted that it was I who caused all the evidence to fall into a pattern .
30 Select committees have had substantial coverage , but all the evidence suggests — and this is my own impression , having served or attended many committees over the years and now seeing them on television — that , with a few minor modifications , the ways these committees work is little changed .
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