Example sentences of "[verb] hoped for " in BNC.

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1 When the first meeting happens someone needs to explain to the people there ( and do n't be discouraged if there are fewer that you 'd hoped for ) what the Christian group is all about and why it 's important to have a group in school .
2 The captain spoke few words , but agreed that the crew were better than he 'd hoped for , and that the ship was a fine one .
3 ‘ I 'd hoped for personal service , ’ said Giles .
4 It might not hold all I 'd hoped for , but … ’
5 Did n't you get all you 'd hoped for ? ’
6 I 'd hoped for a little money , at the very most , a thousand .
7 I know it 's early days yet , but White has n't made the kind of impact we 'd hoped for .
8 ‘ I 'd hoped for so much from that class since I was taking it at an American university , but — ’
9 I 'm delighted with the job , it 's the one I 'd hoped for .
10 Tonight , Marc 's family said the verdict was the one they 'd hoped for .
11 Swindon Town say they 're disappointed after a Football League Tribunal valued their former player manager Glen Hoddle at only seventy five thousand pounds , when they 'd hoped for a million .
12 Ecstasy increased as Robyn looked deep into his eyes and heard the words she had hardly dared hoped for .
13 One was a small café that sold pizza and chips for less than the small fortune we expected , and served by a girl friendlier than we could have hoped for .
14 The Prince could not have hoped for a better platform .
15 After a lousy annual meeting and a lousy result against Crystal Palace , Alex Ferguson might reasonably have hoped for a change of fortune .
16 That is as appropriate an outcome as any theorist could have hoped for .
17 Apart from the expense of taking Alison to the cinema , Nigel 's evening out was all he could have hoped for .
18 She could not have guessed how much she would enjoy herself with a stranger , how completely this woman was in sympathy with her , could not have hoped for a new friend to come out , at this stage in her life , and give her so much pleasure .
19 Even the Government President of Upper Bavaria felt compelled to admit that the relief about Hitler 's survival was not unanimous , but that ‘ part of the population would have welcomed the success of the assassination attempt in the first instance because they would have hoped for an earlier end to the war from it ’ .
20 Carl Llewellyn , 26 , was having his third ride in the Grand National and could never have hoped for a better experience around the huge Aintree fences .
21 The Liberal Democrats are the only party to offer the Bank the carrot of political independence , and might have hoped for more of an endorsement from Threadneedle Street .
22 What was needed however was a concrete demonstration of support by the British government , and this was most unlikely to be forthcoming , no matter how much the Queen might personally have hoped for it .
23 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
24 Beauty is only skin deep , as they say , but I would have hoped for a lot more from a C64 .
25 One might have hoped for silence from Diana Mosley but now she has been giving us the benefit of her experience on the subject of sexual politics : ‘ There are quite as many henpecked husbands in the world as there are battered wives , something feminists fail to notice . ’
26 It 's the best result we could have hoped for . ’
27 It 's all we could have hoped for .
28 ‘ I thought she might give us a mention but to get a personal donation like this is more than we could ever have hoped for . ’
29 It was everything that Burton could have hoped for in the West End at that time .
30 For a teaching museum we could n't have hoped for a better gift .
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