Example sentences of "[verb] signs [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising , therefore , that incomes have dropped severely during the last few years , with the result that we are now beginning to see signs of dereliction .
2 She expected to see signs of fury in his eyes at that stab but she saw nothing to indicate any such irritation .
3 Within 12 hours of starting the intravenous amiodarone the liver function tests were noticeably abnormal and hge had developed signs of hepatic encephalopathy ( grade 1 ) .
4 They can avoid their friends and , when they see them , hide signs of distress , not wanting to be a ‘ nuisance ’ .
5 An official visit to Japan on Sept. 4-7 by Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze produced signs of a much-needed improvement in Japanese-Soviet relations .
6 Direct talks between mujaheddin leaders and Soviet and UN officials in New York on Oct. 2 produced signs of Soviet flexibility over whether Afghan President Najibullah should remain in office until a new government could be elected .
7 He made signs with his hands and fingers and Corbett watched fascinated as Benstede replied using identical gestures .
8 Markby stirred and made signs of being about to take farewell .
9 Lotze 's account of how these ‘ auxiliary impressions ’ became signs of location is much the same as Ryle 's .
10 The cream of one dairy 's workforce have received basic police training on crime prevention techniques and how to spot signs of trouble .
11 As taxpayers we are entitled to know why intelligence services failed to spot signs of an end to the Cold War .
12 They will make signs beside the object at the point of the child 's eye-gaze , and they will even sign with the child in their laps so that each turn and movement of their bodies is transmitted to the child .
13 Above me , the gaily painted signs of the taverns and food shops creaked in the wind and mocked my hunger .
14 But after seeing signs of a pick-up in American demand , he says the hotel industry might get a boost around September , on the basis that recovery here lags America by about four months .
15 Since 1975 my unit has examined thousands of sheep livers and faecal samples from throughout the islands , without seeing signs of liverfluke . ,
16 GEORGE Wimpey , Britain 's second-biggest house-builder , yesterday joined the growing chorus of businesses seeing signs of economic recovery , despite unveiling huge losses for 1992 .
17 If she 'd expected signs of embarrassment or even an apology , it was obvious that she 'd miscalculated .
18 The Daughter drew signs in the air with her needles .
19 Gilts dealers reported signs of indigestion in early trading , although demand picked up later in the session and , in the absence of any new demands from the government broker , longer dated issues managed to end the day about £⅛ better .
20 However , at a recent service I found signs of burning on the spark plugs and I have reverted to leaded .
21 In order that the CAA and AAIB can decide on appropriate action , they need to know whether anyone else has had a similar failure or found signs of overheating on one of these units and not told them about it .
22 During her examinations she found signs of physical sexual abuse .
23 He did apparently display signs of hypochondria , however — Herbert Read remembered how he was " addicted to pills and potions " and , according to another friend , he kept a variety of pills in his lower waistcoat pocket — but hypochondria , if such it was , was only one aspect of a larger nervous disposition .
24 While he can usually be relied upon to offend whichever sacred cows the liberal consensus happens to be grazing , the satirical armoury has shown dismaying signs of fatigue .
25 Thus if we want signs of low morale in the civil service , for example , we could point to the 1981 civil service strike .
26 Earlier , on March 1 , the United States government had banned all further economic and military aid to Sudan in accordance with a policy that military regimes which acceded to power via a coup would be denied aid unless they demonstrated signs of preparing a return to a democratic system within eight months .
27 Immediately after the Sun changed signs on 20 March it began to form what is an adverse aspect to the revolutionary planet Uranus in Capricorn .
28 Given this apparently patchy local following , it is not surprising to find signs of a steady drift of members of the duke 's northern connection into the region .
29 It was when , on their leader 's orders , they went to search the huts and hovels and woods beside and ahead of them to find signs of retreat or of ambush that the news they brought back seemed to unsettle their leader and the noblemen from Northumbria and from Fife whom he conferred with .
30 Given this apparently patchy local following , it is not surprising to find signs of a steady drift of members of the duke 's northern connection into the region .
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