Example sentences of "[verb] gently on " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes he worked in his room and painted a haunting portrait of Rachel Osterlind , her cheek resting gently on her hand , as a thank-you to his hosts .
2 He moved closer , into the dimness of the stall itself , and stood there beside her , his hand resting gently on the horse 's flank .
3 Christopher had at last gone to sleep and Louise , her chin resting gently on his head , was thinking of the son who was n't with her .
4 If Moby became nervous or anxious , I suggested Jeanne and John tried to ignore it and simply jolly him along unless he became overtly upset , in which case they were to offer short , protective verbal reassurance , insist gently on a ‘ sit ’ , then gradually lead him off again toward the object or person which had spooked him .
5 Ngune was helped into the back of the van and placed gently on a palliasse with his head resting on a pillow .
6 He ached with the fear that God was moving through the woods , coming nearer and nearer to him , a figure with a face he could not imagine , a shining shape , brushing past the respectful fern and pressing gently on the fallen twigs .
7 Finn sucked gently on his cigarette and looked across the table at Gregson , who was peering through the window into the street beyond .
8 Romantically but not altogether inaccurately , James Emerson Tennant , Colonial Secretary to Ceylon , wrote of the island in 1859 in his book Ceylon : ‘ a pendant that nestles gently on the swelling bosom of the Indian Ocean .
9 Kosi left her plastic beaker of tea steaming gently on the nearest flat surface while she and Lars headed for the centre of the room .
10 She picked up a slotted spoon from the table and beat gently on the tin lid .
11 Rain pattered gently on the unlined metal above , and he hoped it drowned his panting breath .
12 Polly drew her index finger across his lips and gasped as his teeth fastened gently on it .
13 With only the fire 's glow and the light from the lamp on the table remaining , he stretched out on the sofa , the tumbler between his hands bobbing gently on his domed belly .
14 The basket bumped gently on the tree branch .
15 [ 2 ] He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long-gone pride and he put it against the fish 's agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side , his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff , and started to pass the boat , long , deep , wide , silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water .
16 Seawitch moved gently on the water .
17 I feel his hand land gently on my knee .
18 The faces are meek and accepting , the tears trembling gently on the cheeks ; one can not imagine these model women roaring with laughter or howling with rage .
19 He breathed a sigh of relief as he heard Corbett begin to play gently on the lute he always carried , a sign his master was content , reflecting on his own secret thoughts and not keeping a wary eye on him .
20 Mr Wolski 's old head bent over Minch and his hands rested gently on her back .
21 Her hand rested gently on top of his .
22 Two halves rested gently on the bookcase I examined the inside of one half .
23 He pressed gently on the brake and indicated the right turn into Randall Lodge .
24 Delaney heaved himself aboard , the vessel moving gently on the only-black water of the dock .
25 It had taken Christina a long time to grow accustomed to the nocturnal sounds of the tropics , but she loved them now , and finally fell into a deep sleep , lulled by the incessant chirping of crickets , wind rustling the huge traveller 's palm outside the bedroom window , and the Caribbean sea breaking gently on the shore .
26 Even the sight of the herds , grazing gently on the new young grass , failed to cheer him .
27 Corbett went past the church towards the priest 's house and knocked gently on the half-open door .
28 He sheathed his dagger , whispered to Ranulf and Maltote to wait at the top of the alleyway , and knocked gently on the shop door .
29 Outside in the passage Ferris was prancing gently on his toes like a runner limbering for a race .
30 Virgin snow lay heaped on royal-blue tarpaulins which covered glistening black gondolas riding gently on the dark , silky water .
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