Example sentences of "[verb] carefully at " in BNC.

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1 He does appear to have looked carefully at various places , and in 1800 he settled in Ambleside .
2 The BEA also looked carefully at the possibility of importing plant and materials , but ( with steel prices significantly higher in the USA and Europe and considerable difficulties in obtaining foreign exchange ) they confined themselves to importing only a few specialist components which were causing serious delays in the programme .
3 One of Andrew Buccleuth 's analysts had looked carefully at the company since one of my big customers , a pension fund with vast resources to spend , had bought heavily into the company and so had several of my private clients .
4 Having looked carefully at them , he chose three .
5 Now , Guinness PLC company secretary explains : ‘ We have looked carefully at this question recently .
6 Recently we have looked carefully at the Training Courses at present being run for Qualified Teachers .
7 He peered carefully at the slim frail woman who stood so resolutely out on the porch .
8 As he pulled out of the gas station exit onto the highway , he drove carefully at first , getting the feel of the big powerful car .
9 It is worth looking carefully at the lettering cut deep into stone in Canberra 's vast war memorial : Australia , 8,709 ; New Zealand , 2,701 ; India , 7,597 ; France , 9,874 ; Britain , 21,255 .
10 But auditors will be looking carefully at the precise wording of the legislation and of the related guidance .
11 Reaching the shed , I stepped over several mounds of brick and other rubble and went inside , looking carefully at the wet streaked brick walls searching for anything that could be identifiable with the depot .
12 Walk around the streets , looking carefully at people 's faces .
13 Instead of looking carefully at the specific conditions in which particular women live , we are frequently tempted to appeal to some common denominator of female experience ( domesticity and motherhood are the commonest choices ) that is false to the facts of many women 's experience and — to the degree that we wish to eliminate such common denominators — politically counterproductive as well .
14 " Something is bothering you , " Michael lee said very softly , looking carefully at Katherine .
15 Then , as he goes on listening for a few weeks , looking carefully at ever-new pictures of different cases , a tentative understanding will dawn on him ; he will gradually forget about the ribs and begin to see the lungs .
16 Papers are not necessarily priced according to their surfaces , Rough , Not or HP and it is worth looking carefully at the various makes and their qualities , as two papers may have similar characteristics but be quite different in price .
17 I assure my hon. Friend that we are looking carefully at how best to take this forward .
18 Our balance sheet is strong and we are looking carefully at further acquisitions in both the oil and non-oil sectors .
19 If you seriously wish to lose your weight then it is most sensible to do it by looking carefully at your diet and eating a good balance of carbohydrates and protein with a reduced fat content .
20 Look carefully at the pavement as there are many details that tell a story .
21 But nevertheless I think that these colleagues , if they look carefully at the fundamentals of their own assumptions , will find that they are begging just as many questions as I am .
22 Look carefully at each elevation for cracks , damp , bulges or any kind of distress ( see Chapter 4 ) .
23 You may find it helpful to read these items first , and then go back and look carefully at the explanations underneath .
24 Look carefully at the cut away section of the house below and , using your skill and judgement , see if you can spot the five different safety hazards in the picture .
25 If we desire something which opposes a current belief , we set up an inner conflict — so look carefully at your beliefs in this area of your life .
26 Look carefully at the first gate , then walk through it .
27 But look carefully at the map and you see that Merida , the peninsula 's largest city and the capital of Yucatan state , lies farther north than Mexico city .
28 I look carefully at the dead fly still gracefully adorning the corner of the screen .
29 Look carefully at the inventory control system .
30 If you look carefully at this level you 'll see two dark bands and in between the growth .
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