Example sentences of "[verb] placed [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 In France , however , there also existed a very different tradition , that of the history of the sciences , a tradition in which Foucault has placed himself .
2 On the continuum of penal philosophy which stretches from the punitive to the reformative , the Nicaraguan penal system has placed itself on the far edge of reform .
3 She 'd placed herself at his mercy .
4 The stairs were cold and draughty and the light was n't good , but she 'd placed herself so that the agency 's receptionist would be able to see her through the glass-panelled door if she should happen to glance up .
5 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
6 In this respect orthodox medicine may have placed itself at some disadvantage to its complementary counterparts .
7 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
8 She did n't love her husband , or even have any great affection for him , but she was mindful of the predicament in which he had placed himself by marrying so far beneath him , and she was going to make certain he never had cause to be ashamed of her .
9 Unthinking , he had placed himself not in front of the desk but at an angle to it so that he was closer to the pipes , and he wondered how long the interview would last because it was short of thirty minutes until the call to the Kitchen for dinner and the hunger pain pinched at his stomach .
10 Nuttall 's happening did n't go as expected , when he became jammed in the bath in which he had placed himself , and Latham fainted while trying to drag him out .
11 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
12 The defendant had placed himself in a position where his duty and interest conflicted even though both the employee and client appear to have had no intention of remaining with the plaintiff .
13 Brian Hall , safety and training officer at Redpath Offshore , said he found it difficult to explain why Mr Eaton had placed himself under the pipe .
14 Against the advice of their hosts , they ventured into regions of mountain and marsh that occasioned difficulties never encountered in the well-drained chalklands of the Pays de Caux , and returned with an altered view of the country in whose service they had placed themselves .
15 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
16 This favourite phrase of hers , meaning uninformed opinion , seemed to underline her contempt for the situation in which I had placed myself : the young , married woman , abdicating intellectual effort , doing nothing but washing and cleaning and caring for her baby .
17 One moment which I recall vividly illuminates the problematic position in which I had placed myself .
18 She had seen their craft land only minutes earlier and had placed herself deliberately here where they would have to pass her .
19 Lifting her bag from the shelf , she slung the strap over her shoulder and turned to go , only to find that the woman had placed herself between her and the door .
20 Marc , naturally assuming the head of the table , frowned when he saw where she had placed herself , but said nothing .
21 The parliamentary straightjacket which the Labour Party had placed itself in was inimical to violent change .
22 Had the court been provided with the information that was necessary , he said , PW would not have been appointed receiver-manager because of ‘ the untenable conflict position ’ in which it had placed itself .
23 Lawbreakers have placed themselves outside of society by committing their offences , but the penal process should ultimately aim at returning them to society as full members .
24 Twice you have placed yourself at risk for Ana .
25 ‘ Surely you must realize that I have placed myself in a difficult position ?
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