Example sentences of "[pn reflx] against " in BNC.

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1 This feeling that we must fight to preserve ourselves against a hostile world is paralleled by deep male fears of losing bodily integrity and idenity .
2 Rock'n'roll was originally a revolt against straitlaced stuffy mores ( encountered in the family , at school , in the small town ) , but now it 's ‘ brainwashing media images and fantasies ’ , the very institution of pop itself , that we define ourselves against , Indiepop is fast becoming nothing but commentary on pop — The Membranes ' ‘ Death To Trad Rock ’ , Sonic/Ciccone Youth 's obsession with Madonna , Age of Chance 's ‘ Kiss ’ , Oblivion is forestalled because we are constantly made conscious that this is a reaction against .
3 what instructions had been given to the architects as to the ground they were to cover ; how far Parliament would be bound by the decision of the Commission [ of Judges ] ; and how we were to guard ourselves against an expenditure which we had been told by high authority would amount to not much less than £5,000,000 or £6,000,000 …
4 What a comment on our society , that we need to organise ourselves against vandalism and theft !
5 Strength and independence are useful prerequisites in de-fending ourselves against the effects of stress , but they need the support of a communal sense of responsibility , of sharing a load , and of sharing it fairly in order to make the load feel lighter .
6 The type of sampling used in the five community studies is quotasampling , and our main concern is not to claim absolute representativeness for the whole city , but to guard ourselves against the accusation that our informants might be hand-picked from amongst friends and neighbours — or , worse , from our students .
7 With free arms we could move more and brace ourselves against the bumps on the road .
8 It seemed a good place to defend ourselves against Silver and his men , because we were sure they would kill us when they returned to the ship .
9 Because this time we will take measures to protect ourselves against your duplicity . ’
10 We threw ourselves against the door , and as the lock broke we went in .
11 He stopped again and we had to flatten ourselves against a wall as a Post Office van mounted the pavement to avoid an illegally parked British Telecom van .
12 When I returned to my flat the cat meowed a welcome and rubbed himself against my legs .
13 Mr Saunders has already been granted legal aid of up to £275,000 to defend himself against fraud charges in the criminal courts , but he may have to pay whole or part of that money back if the trial judge so decides .
14 That he won a points decision against the Californian Mark Wills at Wembley will give them some reassurance that the British heavyweight champion could give a reasonable account of himself against an opponent who will not crumple easily .
15 They talked endlessly at MacAlister 's rooms in Merton , where Thomas could also measure himself against two further acquaintances , Fyffe and Wharton .
16 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
17 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
18 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
19 Words with which he hoped to defend himself against imagined conspiracies , actual confession , real Guilts , and words that would too explicitly , too protestingly deny too much of the substance of his own present thoughts as he looked at the girl and his own former behaviour with many , many more of her kind .
20 He tensed , judging his moment , then lurched forward and hurtled across the intervening space , flattening himself against the house wall like a spider .
21 Grabbing at the Zodiac 's tow line , he held himself against the river for a moment , getting his breath back .
22 Not knowing whether to interpret or not , and trying to decide between two impossible alternatives , is a characteristic problem for the ‘ nervous ’ Mr Palomar who , ‘ to defend himself against the general neurasthenia … tries to keep his sensations under control insofar as possible ’ ( 4 ) .
23 Soon scotched himself against a wall ;
24 Where it did not , how far did it allow him to assert himself against the trustee and the property he had acquired in place of the object under trust ?
25 As the kiss lingered , she was made aware of his hardness as he pressed himself against her .
26 But primitive man guards himself against that by listening in to the being of the person who is uttering the words and by adding this to his evaluation of the words .
27 he was locked deep in thought , his way of moving isolating , crisp , a steady manoeuvre of himself against the elements .
28 The debtor who refused to go and defend himself against his creditor 's charges risked having some of his possessions seized and sold to pay what he still owed .
29 For the latter the risk was high and he took even more stringent steps to protect himself against default .
30 GRAHAM KELLY , the Football Association chief executive , last night defended himself against the barrage of criticism that greeted his evidence in the Gary Blissett trial .
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