Example sentences of "[indef pn] good " in BNC.

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1 Though Sir Derek must ultimately carry management responsibility for the mess ISC has got the company into , it would prove difficult to find someone better to sort it out if only because any newcomer would have to spend so long in getting to grips with the problems .
2 Eunice 's false understanding of the situation adds light humour to the first scenes although we realise that Blanche is trying to already make herself out as someone better than everyone else in the play .
3 I wish we had someone better than Aschmann , but if that is the best we can do , then we shall have to manage .
4 Sanyi considers the populace politically immature , ignorant and apathetic : ‘ The people wo n't vote in someone better than Iliescu but we need a clean break with the past .
5 Someone good at running and swimming .
6 I have probably saved you from years of frustration , waiting and hoping for someone good enough to come along and kill the one I have taken from you . ’
7 Even when I could n't rightly understand him , I always knew that at the heart of his talk there was summat good — sum mat true .
8 There is nobody better . ’
9 Surely to God they can find summat better to write about ?
10 ‘ Well , lad , it 's only because I think you 're worth somebody better than her .
11 Somebody good , vote , vote what , right to the white , out the nig nogs
12 Here we were in a dangerous border area , and our campsite was vitally indefensible , but we could find none better .
13 And if he required a tutor , Thorfinn could have found none better than the Normans , natives of a crowded , belligerent duchy full of strong young barons fighting for power .
14 ‘ You think people have nothing better to do than listen to you . ’
15 ‘ Crossman tended to presume that all those he came across , at work or socially , liked nothing better than to have their intellectual sacred cows challenged , their arguments questioned and their assumptions subjected to loud investigation . ’
16 When Wales lost to Bridgend 10 days ago , home supporters , who would now like nothing better than a Test-match miracle at the Arms Park on 4 November , taunted the beaten team with chants of ‘ Easy ’ .
17 only the most conscientious ( and , frankly , those with nothing better to do ) dutifully plough through everything that flops out of a jiffy bag and on to their desk .
18 Li'l Abner — without the colour of the comic strip in the Sunday paper — seemed bogus , and bogus hillbilly at that ; but David and Earl , both schooled in the macho preference for raucous art , liked nothing better than a bogus barnyard .
19 The point we sought to make , Mr Smith , was that it was ludicrous to assume — as Ford has — that millions of people aspire to nothing better than an average car , and to note that the master marketeers will probably get away with peddling mediocrity yet again .
20 He enjoys the company of others , likes nothing better than a good dinner surrounded by friends , and large noisy get-togethers with his family .
21 He quickly discovered , however , that other schools of philosophy , despite proud boasts to the contrary , had nothing better to offer .
22 Having nothing better to do on a blustery Sunday , I decided to amble along on one .
23 Poor boy , he had found nothing better than a dirty corner next to a lavatory !
24 Towards the end of the nineteenth century this belief began to impress itself upon a few mature minds that were open to a concept of childhood quite different from that of an earlier age , when children tended to be regarded as nothing better than undeveloped adults .
25 ‘ She thinks I 've got nothing better to do than play with her all day . ’
26 Carol 's dancing and her sister Suzette 's acting provided the inspiration for the Minogue sisters — Danielle or Dannii as she was known in the clan was also showing signs of talent — and the pair loved nothing better than play acting at home .
27 And Kylie confessed later that she liked nothing better than to ‘ pretend ’ she was in a pop group like Abba , prancing around her bedroom holding a hairbrush as a microphone .
28 ‘ Just some stupid , bad tempered old woman with nothing better to do than poke her nose in where she 's no business . ’
29 It has not stopped businessmen being asked what they think will happen to the economy if the government changes , however , even if those businessman can do nothing better than guess or regurgitate or express hopes and fears .
30 He may be a grandfather who has survived heart surgery and likes nothing better than spending time with his family but , like a retired gunslinger who can only be pushed so far , he gives the impression of still being capable of strapping on a Colt 45 and facing up to a gaggle of tobacco-stained desperadoes .
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